
czwartek, 26 stycznia 2017

Wit C nie należy zażywać razem z Plaquenil ( hydroxychloroquine )

Wit C nie należy zażywać razem z Plaquenil ( hydroxychloroquine )

Pacjenci,którzy zażywają wit B gorzej reagują na leczenie antybiotykami niż pacjenci leczeni samymi antybiotykami.

Pacjenci z drugiej grupy nie maja niedoborów  wit B

Zażywanie wit D przynosi korzyści - działanie przeciwzapalne.

Należy  unikać przeciwutleniaczy koenzym Q10 i witaminę E ponieważ  mogą hamować proces eliminacji krętków.
rok 2012

Najnowsze dane wskazują że antyoksydanty wraz z  antybiotykiem powodują  powstawanie tolerancji na antybiotyk oraz powstawanie bio-filmu.
The use of various supplements has been advocated by some, but evidence of their efficacy not established, and it would seem prudent to minimize the numbers of medications and supplements taken that might not only add difficulty to interpretation of any progress during the treatment period, but perhaps aid the survival of the spirochetes and retard resolution of the illness. In particular, the use of multivitamins and anti-oxidants is to be avoided, as supplemental vitamin C, as previously noted, would counteract the effects of hydroxychloroquine. As for B vitamins, these might theoretically be aiding the spirochete’s survival, as they are unable to synthesize their own B vitamins; and our observations are that patients on supplemental B vitamins do not respond as favorably to antibiotic treatment as do those not taking these supplements. Patients not taking supplemental B vitamins do not appear to have any deficiencies in these vitamins, so they are not being put at risk by the lack of supplemention. Vitamin D, however, is to be encouraged as it is frequently low in patients with persistent Lyme disease, and may be helpful in providing anti-inflammatory benefit. The use of anti-oxidants such as coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E should also be avoided, as these agents may retard the host’s ability to damage the spirochetes. Recent evidence also suggests that anti-oxidants promote antibiotic tolerance and bio-film formation [,].
Buhner o zażywaniu wit D

o wit D w Boreliozie. Zażywać czy nie zażywać ?

Doktor Dr. Mercola warto zazywac wit D.
suplementacja w Boreliozie

Nie powinno zazywac się Plaquenil z :

 Hydroxychloroquine May DEPLETE Calcium and Vitamin D. AVOID magnesium as it may reduce blood levels of this drug
Trzeba zachować ostrożność co do nadużycia jednego takiego dodatku domowego ( Wit C ), które moim zdaniem może nasilać objawy neurologiczne choroby Lyme. Jestem zaniepokojony tym, co zauważyłem u pacjentów, którzy używali mega-dawek witaminy C w celu leczenia Boreliozy.
Safety and immunologic effects of high- vs low-dose cholecalciferol in multiple sclerosis
I am not a supporter of oxidative medicine treatments in Lyme disease and the coinfections. Oxidative medicines include hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and high dose vitamin C. I do not find they are that helpful, and I am very concerned about damage that can occur when these treatments are done repeatedly.
Marty Ross MD on Oxidative Medicine in Lyme Disease Treatment
The recording is a Lyme Byte from Conversations with Marty Ross MD from Oct 27, 2015


sobota, 7 stycznia 2017

człowiek z Otzi - Borrelia.

Helicobacter pylori - również  znaleziono u ,,człowieka,, Ötzi’s  (5,000) .Helicobacter pylori i bakterie Borrelia .
Czyli uwszystkich u których wychodzi w Wb  prążek P41 to może być reakcja krzyżowa. T.z jest Helicobacter pylori (jeśli są objawy) ale tez może być jedno i drugie ! Helicobacter pylori i Borrelia.
Analiza tkanek u człowieka,, Ötzi’s który zyl  5,000 lat temu wykazała że bakterie Borrelia były głęboko w kościach. Nie umarł z powodu Borreli ale cierpiał z powodu utraty masy kostnej w wyniku infekcji.Badanie na myszach wykazało ze im więcej bakterii, tym większa szybkość utraty tkanki kostnej.,,Koncentrujemy się na mechanizmie, który powoduje utratę masy kostnej ,, powiedziała Tian Cornelia Tang
Parasites and pathogens: Two human fleas were found in Ötzi’s clothing. Scientists also found the oldest evidence of borreliosis, or Lyme Disease, an infectious disease transmitted by ticks, in Ötzi’s DNA. The eggs of whipworm, an irritating intestinal parasite, were found in his digestive tract.

znaleziono szczep Borreli - Borrelia burgdorferi

Tijdens de genoomanalyse werd ook tweederde van het genoom van de bacterie die de ziekte van Lyme veroorzaakt, gevonden (Borrelia burgdorferi). Mogelijk leed hij dus aan die ziekte. En op de eerder genomen CT-scans zagen onderzoekers dat drie van zijn rechter ribben zijn samengedrukt. Mogelijk is dit gebeurd toen hij werd bedolven onder het ijs.

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 Although scientists can't know whether Lyme disease actually made Ötzi sick during his lifetime, the discovery of 60% of a B. burgdorferi genome from a Neolithic carrier shows that this pathogen has plagued humans for thousands of years. Until researchers compare the B. burgdorferi genome from Ötzi with more modern incarnations of the pathogen, they won't have a clear picture of how Lyme disease evolves. "But depending on the research other scientists are doing over the next few years, we could be gaining a lot more insights from Ötzi's genome," Graefen says. ...,,


środa, 4 stycznia 2017

zespól stawu skroniowo - żuchwowego - TMJ -BORELIOZA

zespól stawu skroniowo - żuchwowego - TMJ jest czwartym z najczęściej dotkniętych stawów przy Boreliozie.

W badaniu 120 pacjentów z Borelioza :
75 procent pacjentów zgłaszało ból w mięśniach - żuchwa
72 procent zgłaszało bóle stawów skroniowo - żuchwowych
25 procent pieczenie w ustach
70 procent  ból gardła.
47 procent pacjentów odwiedziło co najmniej 10-u  lekarzy zanim uzyskało prawidłowa diagnozę

Nasilenie odczynu zapalnego zależy od czynników miejscowych, penetracji bakterii w głąb tkanek i stanu ogólnego chorego

Przewlekłe zapalenie stawu skroniowo- żuchwowego (arthritis temporomandibularis chronica) Niekiedy bywa zejściem ostrego zapalenia, częsciej rozwija się od początku przewlekle, głównie u osób w podeszłym wieku Przyczyną są wpływy hormonalne, nerwowe, naczynioruchowe, alergiczne, zakażenie od ogniskowe  Czynnikiem przyspieszającym rozwój schorzenia jest przeciąźenie stawu na tle zaburzeń zgryzu i zwarcia (braki w uzębieniu)

Objawy kliniczne: - w większości przypadków okolica stawów jest bez zmian
nieznaczny obrzęk,
bolesność okolicy stawu
trzeszczenie w czasie ruchów
zbaczanie żuchwy na stronę chorą
ogólny stan chorego dobry

usunięcie ognisk zakażenia
uzupełnienie braków zębowych i regulacja zgryzu
mechanoterapia - mechanoterapia
stosowanie diatermii lub ultradźwięków

Kiłowe zapalenie stawu skroniowo- żuchwowego (arthritis temporomandibularis luetica) Może mieć postać zapalenia torebki maziowej (synovitis) z uszkodzeniem chrząstki stawowej, wysiękiem i powstaniem artropatii, a nawet zesztywnieniem stawu.Obraz kliniczny jest podobny jak w przewlekłym zapaleniu nieswoistym.

Pacjenci mający zespól stawu skroniowo żuchwowego  TMJ - powinni być badani pod katem Boreliozy.                                                                                                                              
Due to the high incidence of Lyme disease, the ease with which it can be misdiagnosed, and its potential for causing irreversible neurologic or cardiac complications and fatalities if left untreated, all patients living in known epidemic areas who manifest intractable facial pain, or what appears to be a case of temporomandibular joint syndrome that does not respond to therapy should be tested for Lyme Borelliosis. It should be remembered however, that not all patients with active Lyme disease produce antibodies, and it is thus imperative for the clinician to obtain a detailed patient history with a focused series of questions directed at the known presentations of the disease, with specific emphasis placed on the prior appearance of an ECM lesion.

Borelioza -  zaburzenia stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego.

Craniomandibular disorders cause many pleomorphic and seemingly unrelated clinical manifestations that mimic other more serious medical problems and thus can present physicians and dentists with a challenge that invites misdiagnosis and improper treatment planning. Conversely, misdiagnosis and ineffective treatment planning are facilitated when serious medical problems manifest a range of signs and symptoms that are clinically similar to temporomandibular joint muscle dysfunction. At times, the patient's response to therapy may be the best method of corroborating a diagnosis, as illustrated in this report of a patient with Lyme disease that was misdiagnosed as a temporomandibular joint disorder. Lyme disease has already reached epidemic proportions in several parts of the United States and its geographic distribution is spreading. Because Lyme disease is a life-threatening illness whose clinical manifestations can mimic temporomandibular joint/myofascial pain-dysfunction, it is the responsibility of every dentist who treats craniomandibular disorders to become familiar with the clinical presentations of Lyme disease and more proficient in its differential diagnosis.
While trauma to the jaw as a result of an accident is a leading cause of TMD, there are many diseases and conditions that can also affect the TM joints. Patients who have Lyme disease, Psoriatic arthritis or Lupus, for example, may experience joint inflammation, swelling, stiffness and pain in around the TMJ. A thorough examination can determine if one of these conditions is causing your TMJ pain

We received the following patient comment from Gillian in response to the article in our April TMJ News Bites, “Avoid a TMD Misdiagnosis, Watch Out for Lyme Disease”.
I was SO happy to see that your latest newsletter included information about Lyme disease and jaw symptoms.
I have been on antibiotics for nearly 11 months since I was diagnosed with late disseminated Lyme disease.   If you remember, I had had a filling done, after which I developed severe jaw pain, a locked jaw and neck and shoulder pain.  Several months later, I developed swollen joints in my fingers, toes and severe foot pain.  This was accompanied by chronic migraine headaches, muscle pain and severe fatigue. I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease by my cardiologist, but by then I had already had it in my body for perhaps 10 years or more.

Lyme disease is an increasingly common problem that has spread rapidly across the United States. A case of the disease and its correlation to TMJ pain and dysfunction in a 35-year-old female is described. The patient was diagnosed and cured of her symptoms with antibiotics, possibly sparing her from surgery.
Lyme disease involving the temporomandibular joint

"Unfortunately, most patients are not diagnosed properly until their Lyme disease is at a later stage, when it is more difficult to treat," says AGD spokesperson Manuel Cordero, DDS. "Diagnosing this disease is very tricky because it can hide itself behind many dental problems, including toothaches and jaw pain."

"Your dentist may suspect Lyme disease if you have a mysterious toothache that can't be attributed to cavities," says Dr. Cordero.

In the study, about 70 percent of patients with Lyme disease reported dental pain in the absence of dental disease, and the dental pain tended to move from tooth to tooth. Of these patients, 36 percent had multiple dental treatments, including root canals and tooth extraction unnecessarily.

"Early diagnosis is critical because in its late stages, Lyme disease can lead to neurological symptoms and arthritis and can involve the heart and other organs," says Dr. Cordero. "Filling out a proper medical history will help the dentist detect this mysterious disease."

The majority of Lyme disease patients are found in the Northeast, but the disease has also been reported in the North Central and Pacific Coast regions. Up to 25,000 people in the United States contract Lyme disease each year.

1988 Lyme disease involving the temporomandibular joint.

TMJ is a condition in which pain in the jaw area and surrounding tissues limits the function of the jaw itself. TMJ can affect a patient's ability to sleep, work, swallow chew and even breathe. TMJ patients may experience other symptoms and medical conditions such as chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, hypermobile joints, irritable bowel syndrome, mitral valve prolapsed, sleep disorders and vulvodynia. Medical conditions such as ehlers-danlos syndrome, dystonia, lyme disease and scleroderma may also plague patients.

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