
czwartek, 19 listopada 2015

BARTONELLA LECZENIE 2015 z blogu lekarza ILADS - USA

BARTONELLA LECZENIE 2015 z blogu lekarza ILADS - USA


ryfampicyna jest głównym skutecznym antybiotykiem

Poziom 1
Rifampina 300mg 2 tabletki 1 raz dziennie z JEDNYM z następujących antybiotyków
• minocyklina 100 mg 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie
• Bactrim DS 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie
• azytromycyna (Zithromax), 500 mg 1 raz pigułka dzień.

Doksycyklina 100 mg 1 lub 2 razy dziennie po 2 można używać wymiennie minocyklina,
ale rifampina obniża poziom doksycykliny w krwi.

Klarytromycyna (Biaxin) 500 mg 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie może być dodane do azytromycyny, ale klarytromycyna również zmniejsza poziom rifampiny w krwi

Levofloksacyna (Levaquin) ( Levoxa) i cyprofloksacyna (Cipro). lewofloksacyną 500mg dziennie lub rciprofloxacin 500 mg 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie łączę z jednym z następujących antybiotyków:

• minocyklina 100 mg 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie,
• doksycykliny 100 mg 1 do 2 tabletki 2 razy dziennie, lub
• Bactrim DS 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie.

Klarytromycyna i azithromycinare NIE używamy z flouroquinolones (fluorochinolony) ponieważ razem może to spowodować problemy związane z  rytmem serca. Levofloxacinseems ( Levoxa ) silniejszy jest niż cyprofloksacyna

Klarytromycyna i Bactrim DS.
klarytromycyna 500 mg 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie z Bactrim DS 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie .
Poziom Dwa

Makrolidy plus Tetracyklina Użyj jednego z następujących makrolidow.:

• klarytromycyna 500 mg 1 tabletka dwa razy na dobę lub
• azytromycyna 500 mg 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie.

Połącz je z tetracyklinami :

• doksycyklina 100 mg 1 lub 2 tabletki 2 razy dziennie,
• minocyklina 100 mg 1 tabletka 2 razy dziennie, lub
• tetracycline 500 mg 1 tabletka 3 razy dziennie.

Poziom Trzy

Houttuynia oraz Sida Acuta działa w 70% przypadków.SAMA Houttuynia działa tylko 50% ..

Zacząć  Houttuynia po 5 kropli 2 razy dziennie i zwiększać codziennie o 1 krople aż po 30 kropli 2 razy dziennie. W tym samym czasie brać Sida acuta   1/4 łyżeczki 3 razy dziennie po 1 tygodniu i jeśli jest tolerancja zwiększyć do 1/2 łyżeczki 3 razy dziennie.
Dla większości, opisanych powyżej metod leczenie wymaga stosowania przez 4-6 miesiące. Jedynym wyjątkiem jest to leczenie, które obejmuje lewofloksacynę która zazwyczaj wymaga czasu od 1 do 3 miesięcy.

 Tak leczę dopuki nie minie większość objawów Bartonella. 95% pacjentów reaguje na leczenie i mijają objawy.Jest 5% którzy potrzebują zażywania ciągłych antybiotykow.

z blogu lekarza ILADS - USA.

Own work, Public Domain,
In order to come up with the best strategy it’s first important to know thy enemy.  Fifteen species of gram-negative aerobic

Bartonella are known to infect humans; however Dr. Ricardo Maggi’s statement is quite telling, “This case reinforces the hypothesis that any Bartonella species can cause human infection.” They have an affinity for endothelial cells, red blood cells, microglial cells, macrophages, and CD34 progenitor cells hindering nutrient, oxygen, and antibiotic delivery to tissues. This causes fatigue, pain, and cognitive and mood issues. They hide in red blood cells to evade the immune system and utilize hemin, and can cause persistent infection, with some species actually deforming red blood cells. Some remain in the cells for the life of the cell while others kill the cell outright.

Every 3-6 days there is a new infection wave.

Various strains have been found in eye fluid, the heart (myocarditis and endocarditis), and cysts, and can infect by nearly anything puncturing the skin and exchanging bodily fluids – including needles. Evidence also suggests congenital transmission.  Approx. 3 min

Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt, professor of internal medicine at North Carolina State University, discusses recent research into the Bartonella bacteria. Animals and humans can both become infected with the bacteria from insect bites. It may be possible for an infected mother to pass the bacteria to her unborn child in utero, the professor has found. To download a transcript of the complete 25-minute interview in PDF format, visit… Approx. 4.30 min
Published on Oct 15, 2014

Dr. Breitschwerdt talked about Bartonella at the NorVect conference 2014. This is an excerpt of his presentation: Bartonellosis: A One Health Approach to An Emerging Infectious Disease.  Approx. 12.30 min
Published on Oct 14, 2015

Dr. Mozayeni talks about Bartonella as one of the major co-infections of Lyme disease. It’s more prevalent than Lyme, as there are many more ways to contract the disease (eg. flees, cats). In a study, that Dr. Breitschwerdt and himself published in The Journal of Emerging Diseases, about 60% of Lyme patients tested positive for Bartonella.

Dr. Mozayeni also talks about the importance of looking at Biofilm when treating Lyme, Bartonella etc. as biofilm can harbor many of these microbes and be the cause of many symptoms.

Symptoms are largely associated with where the blood flow is compromised. The reason many have pain in the soles of their feet is due to inflammation caused by microvascular trauma. It has been known to cause cysts around dental roots leading to chronic and hard to diagnose head and face pain as well as root canals. This microvascular trauma is also to blame for brain issues causing psychological issues such as anxiety, anger, and suicidal thoughts, since the small vessel disease affects executive function. A cog is literally caught in the wheel. As neurotransmitters become depleted due to overstimulation, depression rears its ugly head. A vicious cycle ensues.

Due to the cyclical nature of Bartonella and that it exists in very low amounts in human blood, blood tests are unreliable. It also has a long division time between 22-24 hours and requires a special growth environment. There is a Triple Draw through Galaxy which collects blood over 8 days to maximize the test, stating a 90% reduction in false negatives.

Mode of Transmission: Arthropod vectors including fleas and flea feces, biting flies such as sand flies and horn flies, the human body louse, mosquitoes, and ticks; through bites and scratches of reservoir hosts; and potentially from needles and syringes in the drug addicted. Needle stick transmission to veterinarians has been reported. There is documentation that cats have received it through blood transfusion. 3.2% of blood donors in Brazil were found to carry Bartonella in their blood. Bartonella DNA has been found in dust mites. Those with arthropod exposure have an increased risk, as well as those working and living with pets that have arthropod exposure. 28% of veterinarians tested positively for Bartonella compared with 0% of controls. About half of all cats may be infected with Bartonella – as high as 80% in feral cats and near 40% of domestic cats. In various studies dogs have close to a 50% rate as well. Evidence now suggests it may be transmitted congenitally from mother to child – potentially leading to birth defects.
Bartonella Treatment: This is for educational purposes only. Please discuss treatment options with your health care practitioner.

The predominant antimicrobial drugs for Bartonella are intracellular; however, while reducing symptoms there are relapses. According to IDSA, the best drugs are erythromycin and doxycycline with clarithromycin or azithromycin as alternatives. A combination therapy of doxy and rifampin is preferred for those with CNS involvement and those with repeated relapses may need indefinite treatment.

Also, due to the nature of the organism some have responded miraculously to blood thinners such as heparin or Lovenox – or other agents that reduce clot formation, including alkalinizers such as apple cider vinegar, vegetables and vitamin C. Reducing the stickiness of the blood by taking fish oil or a low-dose baby aspirin also may help.  Boluoke, lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, Wobenzym, and InflaQuell may also help.

The following have been found to be helpful:
doxy with rifampin
doxy with gentamycin
gentamicin and ceftriazone with or without doxy, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, or streptomycin
azithromycin or doxy combined with rifampin, clarithromycin, or a fluoroquinolone

According to Dr. Ross one needs to correct sleep, decrease inflammation, improve the immune system, correct hormonal imbalances, provide nutrients, and remove yeast in order to beat Bartonella. He also feels it is best to use antibiotic combinations as do Drs. Horowitz and Jemsek. Ross has three tiers, with tier 1 working 90% of the time, tier 2 at about 80%, and tier 3 (herbs) working 70% of the time or less (Dr. Horowitz has found this to be true of herbs as well).

Tier 1: Rifampin 300 mg 2 pills 1 time a day with one of the following:
Minocycline 100mg 1 pill 2 times a day
bactrim DS 1 pill 2 times a day or
azithromycin 500mg 1 pill per day
Doxycycline 100mg 1 or 2 times a day can be substituted for the mino but rifampin decreases doxy levels in the blood. Clarithromycin 500mg 1 pill 2 times a day can be substituted for azith but rifampin also decreases clarith blood levels.
Levofloxacin 500mg 1 pill 2 times a day or ciprofloxacin 500mg 1 pill 2 times a day with one of the following:
minocycline 100mg 1 pill 2 times a day,
doxycycline 100mg 1 to 2 pills 2 times a day, or
bactrim DS 1 pill 2 times a day
Clarith and azith are not used with flouroquinolones because they may cause heart rhythm problems.
Clarithromycin 500mg 1 pill 2 times a day and Bactrim DS 1 pill 2 times a day

Tier 2: Clarithromycin 500mg 1 pill two times a day, or
Azithromycin 500mg 1 pill two times a day
Combine these with a tetracycline:
doxycycline 100mg 1 or two pills 2 times a day,
minocycline 100mg 1 pill 2 times a day, or
tetracycline 500mg 1 pill 3 times a day

Tier 3:  Start Houttuynia at 5 drops 2 times a day and increase daily by 1 drop per dose till at 30 drops 2 times a day. Take Sida Acuta concurrently at 1/4tsp 2 times a day and after 1 week if tolerating, increase to 1/2 tsp 3 times a day.

According to Ross, treatment requires 4-6 months with an exception of levofloxacin which usually requires 1-3 months. Treat until most symptoms are resolved. His experience is that 95% recover from Bartonella when using the immune supports and either tier one or two.
*Long-term tendon damage and ruptures, retinal detachment, and other symptoms have been connected with fluoroquinolones – resulting in fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome – or being “floxed,” however, one of the most experienced LLMD’s in Wisconsin has noted that he has used these drugs for over 30 years without this ever happening. The fluoroquinolones are made with fluoride and go deep into muscle tissue, which is what makes them so effective. Often, the best usage is using a fluoroquinolone that paves the way for other antibiotics to do their jobs better.

Dr. Singleton also reports that in his experience tendonitis is rare, but if it happens – stop – until symptoms are resolved and then restart in a few days at a lower dose. He also suggests putting the patient on 600-1,000mg of magnesium for a few weeks prior to treatment with a fluoroquinolone to prepare tendons and muscles and to continue taking through treatment, separating it by three or more hours. And, as always, drink plenty of water to help the body detox.
*Many react strongly to Rifampin, perhaps due to a rapid metabolism of sterol hormones, which causes severe symptoms with low adrenals and low cortisol. In the very ill, Dr. Mozanyeni starts with herbal antimicrobials and assists the adrenals until the patient is able to tolerate antibiotics. When the antibiotic regimen is finished he puts them back on more natural antimicrobials if treatment is needed long term.

Dr. Mozanyeni uses clarithromcin or azithromycin, later adding rifampin with clarithromycin. If a patient is on meds that impact rifampin, he may then use Mycobutin. He has not found the need to use IV therapies except in cases where patients can not take pills. He has noted that antibiotics used for Lyme may push Bartonella further into cells making treatment more challenging.

Alternative Treatments:

allicin, sulforaphane, Sida acuta, Isatis, Houttuynia, Alchornea cordifolia, Japanese knotweed, EGCG, hawthorn, cordyceps, L-arginine, Cryptolepis, Samento, A-BART, Curcumin, quercetin, astaxanthin, Xymogen, AngiNOX, L-arginine, Profusia Plus, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Vinpocetine, Cratoxy, Ginkgo biloba

Master Herbalist, Stephen Buhner’s Bartonella protocol – research is ongoing, but this is the most up to date. The following herbs are to be taken for 30 days. If the symptoms come back when the protocol is stopped the dosage was probably not high enough – so the protocol should be modified and continued until the blood cell infection is gone. He recommends Woodland Essence for all the tinctures. Remember – herb dosages are extremely individual.
Sida acuta tincture – 1/4tsp 3Xday
Hawthorn tincture, same
Japanese knotweed, same (or 2 capsules 3Xday from Green Dragon Botanicals)
EGCG (green tea extract) 400mg/day – approximately 4 cups of green tea
Houttuynia 1 Tbs daily (Yu Xing Cao – 1st Chinese Herbs, powder – use Lyme code at checkout for 10% off)                                                                              
L-arginine 5000 mg daily in divided doses                                                              
Milk Thistle seed, standardized, 1200 mg daily

PLEASE NOTE: If you have active herpes, chicken pox, or shingles DO NOT USE L-arginine.


The standard conventional drug treatment for Bart varies, it is usually a 4-6 month course of Rifampin, in combination with Minocycline or sometimes Clarithromycin (Biaxin) with Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim (called Septra or Bactrim). I like the Rifampin/Minocycline combination however, an intellectual judgment call on my part by no means suggests it will work for you, or be right for you. Levaquin can work effectively too, but carries a 1 percent risk of tendonitis and a 0.1 percent risk of tendon rupture. There are many good prescribed combinations, it’s really about making sure you start low, and titrate up slowly to minimize the Herx reaction. A Herx or “Herxheimer” reaction is a setback, and a resurgence of symptoms that sometimes occurs with antibiotic use. This can be minimized with herbal supplements such as curcumin (and backing off the drug for a bit).

Most aggressive Bartonella treatment
Dear Stephen,
What is the most aggressive treatment for bartonella? Symptoms are leg pain, calf pain, dizziness, eye issues, and chest wall pain. Any suggestions?
Stephen’s response:
Research is ongoing, this is the most up to date protocol:
Sida acuta tincture (from or ¼ tsp 3x day for 30 days
Hawthorn tincture, same
Japanese knotweed, (tincture, same dose (from same sources as Sida acuta, above), or capsules from 2 capsules 3x daily)
ECGC 400mg +- daily
Houttuynia (Yu Xing Cao – 1st Chinese Herbs, powder – use “LYME” code at checkout for 10% off) 1 tbl daily
Dr. Zhang was the pioneer on the use of Houttuynia for this issue.
L-arginine 5000 mg daily in divided doses
Milk Thistle seed, standardized, 1200 mg daily
All for 30 days.

Bartonella is susceptible to numerous antibiotics in vitro, but many of these have only bacteriostatic activity; they inhibit reproduction but are not bactericidal; they do not kill the bacteria. Gentamicin and, to a lesser extent, Rifampin have been found to be bactericidal.4 However, Gentamicin may only be bactericidal when the bacteria emerge from the red blood cells and are extracellular.
Based on a 2004 study, antibiotics which may be helpful in the treatment of Bartonella include doxycycline, erythromycin, rifampin, doxycycline with rifampin, doxycycline with gentami­cin, gentami­cin and ceftriaxone with or without doxy­cycline, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, or streptomycin.41
The Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center at Columbia University has recommended that azithromycin or doxycycline combined with rifampin, clarithromycin, or a fluoroquinolone may be useful regimens.42
Some practitioners have found drugs such as ciprofloxacin (Cipro), levofloxacin (Levaquin), gemifloxacin (Factive), and moxifloxacin (Avelox) to be helpful in those with Bartonella, though these drugs may lead to long-term tendon damage and ruptures, retinal detachment, and a host of other symptoms that may persist long after these medications have been stopped. They may result in what is known as fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome, or what some term as having been "floxed." Mozayeni has suggested that the risks of these medications may outweigh the benefits, and he rarely uses quinolone antibiotics for the treatment of Bartonella.
Mozayeni generally uses clarithromycin or azithromycin, though there is a higher resistance to azithromycin in animals. He later adds rifampin with clarithromycin. If a patient is on other medications whose metabolism may be impacted by rifampin, he may then use Mycobutin. He has not found a need to treat any of his Bartonella patients with IV therapies except in rare cases where patients cannot take pills. He has noted that antibiotics used for the treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent in Lyme disease, may push Bartonella organisms further into the cells making treatment more challenging.
Both adrenal health and thyroid health should be considered before treating with these antibiotics, especially rifampin, in order to allow the patient to better tolerate the treatment. Mozayeni has found that one pitfall in Bartonella treatment is related to adrenal fatigue. Adrenal issues must be identified and managed to optimize therapy tolerance. Rifampin, a cytochrome P450 inducer, causes a more rapid metabolism of sterol hormones and can lead to severe symptoms where a Herxheimer-like reaction is juxtaposed with a condition of depleted adrenals and low cortisol. This can put the patient into adrenal crisis with greatly amplified symptoms including severe pain and hemodynamic instability. This reaction may be mistaken for a Rifampin allergy and therapy stopped. Thus, withdrawal of a useful drug may result in a lost opportunity to treat and lead to treatment failure.
The pharmaceutical protocol that Mozayeni utilizes in his practice has been shown to work well for many of his patients. If someone is extremely ill and may not be strong enough to tolerate treatment with antibiotics, he may start with herbal antimicrobial and supportive interventions. It will take time and additional data to determine whether or not the herbal approaches prove to perform as well, but they are useful considerations. After an antibiotic regimen is complete, Mozayeni may then move a patient to more natural Bartonella treatment options. These may be more sustainable and can be used for longer-term maintenance therapy if needed.
Once someone is infected with Bartonella, it is possible that they will never fully clear the infection; it may become a matter of how the infection manifests within the body. Response to treatment of any regimen may vary based on the immune status of the host, the response of the immune system, and the infecting Bartonella species.
Alternative Treatment Approaches
While pharmaceutical options for Bartonella treatment are often very helpful, those with chronic Bartonella infection may benefit from looking at natural solutions. These may be combined with pharmaceutical options or used alone.
Mozayeni has an interest in allicin, an extract from garlic, and sulforaphane, a compound derived from cruciferous vegetables. Sulforaphane has broad spectrum antimicrobial properties against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria while also being anti-inflammatory, supporting detoxification, and serving as a powerful antioxidant.
Stephen Harrod Buhner is a one of America's preeminent herbalists and wrote Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections: Complementary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma in 2013.43 It contains some of the most current information on herbal and holistic treatment of Bartonella. In the book, Buhner goes into extensive detail on Bartonella characteristics, symptom presentation, cytokine shifts that may occur, and natural treatment options based on his own clinical experience and literature reviews.
Buhner has created a protocol that is outlined in his book and consists of therapeutic options such as Sida acuta, Isatis, Houttuynia, Alchornea cordifolia, Japanese knotweed, EGCG, hawthorn, cordyceps, L-arginine, milk thistle, and others. He further outlines interventions that may be helpful based on specific symptom presentations. The book is a very detailed resource on Bartonella and is highly recommended for anyone who wants to learn more.
Many other natural products or formulations are available that some practitioners have found helpful. These include Beyond Balance MC-BAR-1 and MC-BAR-2; BioPure Quintessence, O3 Oil Gamma, Lyme and Co-Infection Nosode Drops, Cryptolepis, and Czaga (chaga); Byron White Formulas A-BART; Maypa Herbals Formula Bart; Jernigan Nutraceuticals Lymogen, NutraMedix Samento, Banderol, Quina, Cumanda, and Houttuynia; Researched Nutritionals BLt Microbial Balancer #1, CryptoPlus Microbial Balancer #2, and LymPlus Transfer Factor; Deseret Biologicals Bartonella Series Therapy; Woodland Essence C.S.A. Formula; Mountain States Health Products Bartonella Nosode; Professional Formulas Tick Pathogen Nosode Drops; Dr. Zhang's HH and HH-2; freeze-dried garlic, and others. Injectable artesunate administered by a doctor has been found to be of clinical benefit. Some practitioners have found essential oils of clove, thyme, marjoram, melaleuca, cypress, rosemary, and cinnamon to be helpful.
Recently, at the American Academy of Environmental Medicine workshop, low-dose antigen (LDA) therapy for Lyme disease was introduced by Ty R. Vincent, MD, and has reportedly been helpful for those dealing with Bartonella and other Lyme-related issues.
Synergistic Treatment Options
While the underlying microbial burden itself must be addressed, there are a number of synergistic interventions that may improve patient outcomes. Mozayeni has noted that the most proximal cause of symptoms of Bartonella is the small vessel disease, and addressing this aspect of the condition is an important part of the treatment program. Two primary areas of focus include evaluating and treating coagulopathies and reducing inflammation.
Small vessel disease results in a form of brain injury, though the injury does not have to be permanent. Treatment must be approached in a manner very similar to how a brain injury would be treated. The nerves may be stunned or hibernating as a result of trauma; these may be resuscitated with glutathione, hyperbaric oxygen, or other interventions.
often causes low grade inflammation in the body. This can manifest in more significant ways, such as inflammatory arthritis or a neurovascular problem, in people with specific MHC (major histocompatibility complex) or HLA (human leukocyte antigen) genetic predispositions. The infection may result in chronic, low-grade, smoldering symptoms even in those that considered themselves to be asymptomatic. How the disease manifests is determined by the biological terrain and how the host immune system responds to the infection and less by the infection itself.
For hypercoagulation, agents that dissolve clots or help to reduce clot formation may be helpful. The more the blood pH is acidic, the more coagulation is likely to be a concern. Substances that alkalinize the body help to reduce microscopic clot formation. High dose vitamin C, apple cider vinegar, and an alkaline diet are useful tools. Incorporating fresh vegetables into the diet both helps alkalinize the system and introduces enzymes that help to break down clots and biofilms (a polysaccharide layer produced by a community of organisms that serves to protect them from antimicrobial therapies).
Boluoke, lumbrokinase, or serrapeptase are commonly considered, as are Wobenzym and Researched Nutritionals InflaQuell. When patients are not improving with or tolerating treatment, Mozayeni's first question is often whether they are keeping up with their enzyme intake; he finds that 80% to 90% of the time they are not. During a Herxheimer reaction, enzymes and alkalinization can often provide relief. If neurological symptoms are severe, low-dose Lovenox or heparin may be considered and often leads to dramatic improvement.
Reducing inflammation using natural options such as curcumin, quercetin, and astaxanthin may be very helpful.
Treatment may include a focus on the health of the lining of the endothelium where Bartonella congregate.
Nitric oxide is produced in the endothelium and may be impaired when the endothelium is unhealthy. Thus, therapies such as Xymogen AngiNOX, Thorne Perfusia Plus, or L-arginine, which increase nitric oxide production, may support blood vessel health. Increasing nitric oxide production may counteract some of the detrimental effects of Bartonella.44 Low-dose baby aspirin may reduce the stickiness of the platelets.
In Chinese medicine, the herb Dan Shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) is a "blood-invigorating" herb that is thought to make the blood flow more freely and has angiotensin-blocking properties. Vinpocetine is derived from the periwinkle plant and leads to dilation of blood vessels and improved blood flow. Hawthorn berry, in a form called Cratoxy, may support cardiovascular health and dilate the blood vessels. As a blood vessel dilator and platelet inhibitor, Ginkgo biloba may be beneficial.
Prevention and Management of Pet Exposure
In Bartonella patients with pets in the home, consideration should be given to the potential for reexposure from the pet or from fleas or ticks that these animals may bring into the home. Cats represent a higher risk for human exposure, though dogs may present with more symptoms when infected. Anyone infected with Bartonella and living with household animals should consider having their animals evaluated and treated for the infection in order to minimize the potential for reinfection. Veterinarians are generally well versed in testing and treatment of animals with Bartonella. Most importantly, keeping fleas and other vectors from infesting pets will reduce and potentially eliminate the possibility of transmission from a pet to a family member.45
While more and more is being learned about Bartonella and its impact on human health, there are still many unknowns that require further exploration. We are learning and will continue to learn. Very few medical doctors are familiar with Bartonella and people suffer needlessly, as bartonellosis is rarely on the list of differential diagnoses for the conditions that it may cause. Most infectious-disease doctors have very limited or no experience with identifying or treating Bartonella and believe that it is generally a benign condition that resolves without treatment.
Thanks to our animal friends and those who care for them, there is an ever-increasing focus on Bartonella and human health implications. The work of Drs. Ed Breitschwerdt and Robert Mozayeni has enlightened many about this previously underestimated microbe and continues to lead to improved testing and treatment options for both animals and humans. While getting people to recognize Bartonella has been a struggle, the tide is shifting.
Available tests have notably improved over the past several years, and treatment options are available that generally lead patients to higher ground. While there is more work to be done, the mysteries of Bartonella are beginning to unravel. Here's to your health!
In Memoriam
Linda "Angel" Heming worked closely with me for many years on a number of the articles that I have written. She was a warrior in the Lyme community and gave so much of herself to help other people. Given the time commitment required for each article, I was unable to do as many as I once did. A year ago, Linda asked me whom she could get who would interest me enough to do another article. At that time, I responded that an article on Bartonella with Drs. Ed Breitschwerdt and Robert Mozayeni would be compelling. Linda unfortunately became ill with another battle with cancer and passed away in October 2014. It was a great loss to the Lyme community. About a week after she passed, I was connected with a colleague of Drs. Breitschwerdt and Mozayeni, and an opportunity to do this article presented itself. Of course, I couldn't say no, as it was clear to me that Linda was still running the show. You will be missed and truly are an angel!
Upcoming Conference
On July 24, 2015, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Maryland, there will be a conference on diagnosing and treating Bartonella. Speakers will include Drs. Edward Breitschwerdt and Robert Mozayeni. Conference is open to medical, counseling, and veterinary professionals. Marilyn Williams from the Lyme Disease Association of the Eastern Shore of Maryland is organizing this exciting event. For registration, information contact the LDAESM at
Information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Nothing in this text is intended to serve as personal medical advice. All medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own medical authority.
Portions of the information presented in this article come from various conferences as well as an interview with Dr. Robert Mozayeni for the purposes of this article.

Houttuynia cordata foto z

1 komentarz:

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