
wtorek, 17 listopada 2015


Film.napisy j.polski
Były gubernator Jesse Ventura twierdzi że borelioza jest bronią biologiczną.Ventura  przeprowadził wywiad z Neilem Grossmanem na potrzeby swojej serii telewizyjnej Conspiracy Theory - Grossman zajmuje się tematem Plum Island i położonym na niej  Centrum Chorób Zwierzęcych. Powiedział że rząd amerykański wynajął byłego nazistowskiego  naukowca Erica Trauba, który infekował kleszcze różnymi chorobami zwierzęcymi w celu stworzenia zarazy atakującej wybrane społeczności.
Zagrożenia biologiczne
 Poziom I – mikroorganizmy, które nie powodują zmian chorobowych u dorosłych ludzi, a także nie stanowią znanego zagrożenia dla środowiska. Przykładem takich mikroorganizmów jest niepatogeniczny szczep Escherichia coli czy pleśń Aspergillus Niger
Poziom II – mikroorganizmy, które mogą stanowić poważne zagrożenie dla człowieka oraz środowiska, jednak znane są metody leczenia w razie infekcji oraz których transmisja nie jest bardzo łatwa. Przykładem takiego organizmu jest gronkowiec złocisty czy krętki boreliozy
Poziom III – mikroorganizmy i wirusy bardzo łatwo przenoszące się w postaci aerozolu, stanowiące bezpośrednie zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia człowieka, o zdefiniowanym leczeniu w razie infekcji lub znanej szczepionce. Przykładem może być wirus ospy, laseczka wąglika czy prątki gruźlicy.

Poziom IV – mikroorganizmy i wirusy śmiertelnie niebezpieczne dla człowieka, których leczenie jest niezwykle trudne oraz dla których nie ma opracowanej szczepionki. Przykładem jest wirus Ebola czy Marburg.


Prezentacja na temat: "BROŃ BIOLOGICZNA
1.Istota broni biologicznej
2.Historia i przykłady jej stosowania.
3.Środki służące do przenoszenia broni biologicznej.
4.Oznaki użycia."— Zapis prezentacji:
Przenoszone przez kleszcze - Riketsje
,,Riketsje to rodzaj małych bakterii, zwykle wewnątrzkomórkowych, będących wyłącznie pasożytami; Ich żywym zbiornikiem są zakażone pchły, pasożytujące na szczurach i myszach; część z nich wywołuje choroby u ludzi i zwierząt: dur plamisty, gorączkę plamistą, gorączkę śródziemnomorską dur brzuszny infekcja żołądka silna gorączka powiększenie węzłów chłonnych owrzodzenie jelit ,,
There is much documentation to confirm that Traub did indeed visit and work at Plum Island numerous times in the late 40’s and 50’s, most of the time on his passion – ticks and using them to infect the masses of whomever our perceived enemy at the time may be. For the Nazi’s during WWII it was to be Russia, Great Britain and then the United States. In the course of Traub’s work, other equally frightening biological research was done at Plum Island by Traub and others. Victims ranged from any mammal from a mouse to a horse or cow. In fact when Michael Jackson brought Lamas to his hideaway Neverland, some in government became so concerned that there may be Lamas in suburban backyards that they imported a bunch to Plum Island where they too were used as guinea pigs, being injected or exposed to deadly pathogens. They like all other animals which were brought to Plum Island were finally killed and either buried in mass graves or usually incinerated on that building which sits on Plum Island’s North shoreline.
Is Lyme disease related to Traub’s research? From the documents that I have read over the years I have no doubt that it is. I also have no doubt that West Nile which was another one of Plum Island’s scientists favorite pathogens escaped as foot and mouth disease has on numerous occasions and caused the very first case in the United States in a horse stable in Southold town.
With all these deadly and dangerous poisons that were being used on Plum Island beginning in 1947, also came the inevitable contamination. Plum Island quickly became a seriously contaminated island as waste generated from experiments and dead animals were buried on the island. I’ve fished off Plum Island since I was a very young boy and the massive smoke that is generated by the incinerators when they burn animal carcasses as well as the discharge of greenish colored waste water into Plum Gut, only during times when the tide is moving out always concerned me.
In the late 90’s when the Department of Agriculture was trying to save the facility from closing, I led a successful effort to stop this insanity and was fortunately successful in stopping Plum Island from expanding to a Biosafety Level 4 facility, which it very well already be, despite having to fund much of it out of pocket and with the help of a few generous people who were very concerned about what does go on there now. Again, as part of their effort to assure me that everything was OK on Plum Island, I was invited out for a private tour, complete with lectures, lunch as repeated assurances that “Everything is fine”.
On my second trip there, I was met at the ferry landing and driven around the island from end to end and north to south. What I saw at the time frankly scared the hell out of me and galvanized my belief that Plum Island was not only a dangerous facility in the middle of a huge population center, but also that for decades the toxic waste generated there had been treated in a carefree and very dangerous manner, and had in all likelihood been responsible for Lyme disease and West Nile.
My visit was just prior to any clean ups beginning, and what I saw were literally hundreds and hundreds of little colored flags marking sites where they were able to determine through what records were kept and interviews with past employees were sites that held anything from contaminated test tubes and beakers to drums of poisons, badly contaminated animals that were not incinerated and even radioactivity which was buried. Radioactivity, because there was a small brick building on the island that said “Cobalt-60” on the entrance. When I asked about the hundreds of marked sites, I was told again that these were the ones which they were able to identify, meaning that the possibility of many others that are today still unknown may still exist but not to worry, they were going to be “cleaned up”. No one knew at all that radioactivity had been a commonly used isotope and left behind untold amounts of contamination that in reality can never be cleaned up. But “don’t worry” I was repeatedly told, we’re going to clean it up. Well the half-life of Cobalt 60 is 5.2714 years, so cleaning it up, will never happen.....
And scientists who worked with Burgdorfer, and reviewed key portions of the documents at STAT’s request, said the bacteria might still be sickening an unknown number of Americans today.
While the evidence is hardly conclusive, patients and doctors might be mistaking under-the-radar Swiss Agent infections for Lyme1, the infectious disease specialists said. Or the bacteria could be co-infecting some Lyme patients, exacerbating symptoms and complicating their treatment — and even stoking a bitter debate about whether Lyme often becomes a persistent and serious illness.
Swiss Agent, now called Rickettsia helvetica, is likely not a major health risk in the United States, in part because such bacteria typically respond to antibiotics. Still, several of Burgdorfer’s former colleagues called for infectious disease researchers to mount a search for the bacterium.
The Infectious Diseases Society of America, the CDC, and many doctors view Lyme as generally easy to diagnose with its characteristic “bulls-eye” rash and pinpoint lab tests, and easy to cure with two-to-four weeks of antibiotics. If the disease is not diagnosed and treated early — in up to 30 percent of cases, there is no rash — patients can develop longer-lasting and more serious symptoms. But most infectious disease doctors say a short course of antibiotics will cure those patients.
But an insurgency of renegade doctors and patients disagrees. They argue that the diagnosis is frequently missed because of poor lab tests and other factors, and that Lyme becomes a chronic condition when untreated or inadequately treated. The patients describe symptoms that include incapacitating “brain fog” and weakness, intense anxiety, severe muscle pain, and paralyzing headaches. Many say that they required treatment with antibiotics lasting months or longer to be cured after years of misery.
The medical establishment mostly views “chronic Lyme” as the product of quack doctors exploiting desperate patients by offering unproven therapies. The patients sometimes need psychiatric care, these experts say, but in any case, chronic physical complaints are not caused by an active Lyme infection. Some state medical boards have gone so far as to revoke licenses of doctors who prescribe long-term antibiotics
Andrew Main, who conducted Lyme research at Yale University in collaboration with Steere and Burgdorfer, had Lyme early on, before its cause was discovered, and was among patients who showed evidence of co-infection with the Swiss Agent — a result that was included in Burgdorfer’s papers but that Main knew nothing about until informed by STAT. The positive tests for the Swiss Agent among Lyme patients back then, he said, strongly support the idea that it might be a current threat.
“You would want to look at it both ways. Could that organism, if present in some of the Lyme-disease endemic areas, infect people and cause clinical illness on its own, or react in concert with (the microbe that causes Lyme) or some of the other agents,” Lane said. “If you are looking for one or a few agents in a tick, you may be overlooking others that contribute to the disease burden.”
ould  Borrelia have been weaponized post-WWII? 

By Mike Sawyer 
(Reproduced with permission of author) 

After I wrote a Lyme patient booklet in 1995, many patients sent me information about Plum Island and bio-warfare research in America. 

I had said in my booklet that such a scenario was unfounded and was just speculation. 

To describe these advocates of Lyme disease being a bio-warfare experiment gone awry as persistent would be a gross understatement. 
I never paid much attention because if I couldn’t prove anything then what’s the point in saying anything? But one very insistent person put a challenge before me. He asked me this question in 1995: 


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