
środa, 24 lutego 2016

kretki tworza biofilm,cysty linki,filmy

Dlaczego borelioza w fazie przewlekłej jest tak trudna do leczenia?...

Przewlekła choroba Lyme jest trudna do leczenia z wielu powodów. Głównym powodem jest to , że bakteria może być otoczona warstwą śluzu (glikokaliksu) i jest jakby zamknieta w kapsulce. Nazywa sie to biofilm

Biofilm to jest sluz wokół grupy bacteri.Biofilm tez może wystąpić we wszystkich przewlekłych zapaleniach - np przy parodontozie .

Można by pomyśleć,ze zamknięte w kapsułkach bakterie tak latwo mozna otworzyć. Niestety, większa część oznak i objawów przewlekłych zakażeń, takich jak choroba z Lyme spowodowana jest przez toksyny bakteryjne. Biofilm jest porowaty i toksyny mogą sie rozprzestrzeniać.
Dodatkowo co do biofilmów, jesli poprzez leczenie objawy mijaja,czlowiek mysli ze jest wyleczony a bakterie ,,czekaja,, otoczone biofilmem i dalej sie rozmnazaja

Czołowi naukowcy, tacy jak Eva Sapi i Bill Costerton (studiował przez 40 lat zagadnienie biofilmu) są przekonani o poważnej roli biofilmów w chorobie z Lyme.
tutaj jest to opisane

Jak walczyc z Biofilmem?
Antybiotykami : Metronidazol i Tinidazol
oraz bardziej naturalne mertody to :
. Serrapeptase
. Lumbrokinase
. Nattokinase
. Polygonum cupsidatum - Rdest japoński a konkretnie Resweratrol

Również okazuje się, że zdrowe (alkaliczne) pH w tkankach, zapobiega tworzeniu się biofilmu. Dane na ten temat nie są jednoznaczne, ale są wskazówki.

Aby wyleczyć chorobę z Lyme np. antybiotykami - KONIECZNE jest podawanie w trakcie terapii wyżej podanych antybiotykow lub preparatow.

,,Bakteria Borrelia burgdorferi odpowiedzialna za rozwój choroby w przeciwieństwie do wielu innych bakterii, występuje w kilku formach: jako krętek, forma L (bez ściany komórkowej) oraz cysta. Jest to tak zwany polimorfizm.

Każda z form jest wrażliwa na inny rodzaj antybiotyku. Wykazano też, że posiadają możliwość transformacji, czyli przekształcenia się jednej formy w inną.

Potrzebują na to zaledwie kilka godzin. Forma, jaką przyjmuje bakteria zależy od wielu czynników między innymi od warunków środowiska, w jakim bakteria się znajduje.

Bakterie z krwią wędrują do tkanki łącznej (ścięgna, skóra oraz naczynia krwionośne), mięśni oraz tkanki nerwowej. Znajduje się je licznie we wzgórzu, korzeniach grzbietowych rdzenia kręgowego, miazdze zębowej oraz gałkach ocznych,, 
Przyczyną objawów chorobowych jest toksyna bakteryjna, której ilość z biegiem czasu się zwiększa. Bakteria zakłada mikroskopijne cysty, które wypełnione są toksyną i formami przetrwalnikowymi bakterii. Cysty mają zdolność otwierania się, uwalniając przetrwalniki, które później przybierają dojrzałą postać krętka. Nawet zamknięte cysty uwalniają toksynę,  podrażniającą otaczające tkanki, powodując nasilenie się objawów
 The long latent stage seen in syphilis, followed by chronic central nervous system infection and inflammation, can be explained by the persistence of atypical cystic and granular forms of Treponema pallidum. We investigated whether a similar situation may occur in Lymeneuroborreliosis.

Round forms of Borrelia burgdorferi Survival of the Microbe and Attack Models - Alan B. MacDonald MD University of New Haven Research Seminar Presentation
Educational Objectives:
1. Cystic forms Are Living and Essential to the Borrelia lifestyle
2. Cell Division in the Cystic form is Independent of Cell division in the Spiral (vegetative) form of Borrelia.
3. Unique proteins produced by the Cystic Transcriptome indicate Upregulation and Down Regulation of the Borrelia Genome
4. The Envelope of the Cyst is Devoid of a Slime Layercomponent , OspA and may present Naked Peptidoglycan cell wall with no overlying glycoproteins.
5. Cell wall Active Antibiotics (combination therapy) can kill
Cystic Forms -Such antibiotics are only capable of Killing Actively dividing Bacterial forms
6. Cystic forms of Borrelia produce infection (independently of spiral transformations) in Mice
7. Cystic forms of Borrelia are present in Human brain tissue in some patients with Tertiary Neuroborreliosis..
8. Cystic forms of Borrelia are prominently represented in In Vivo biofilms of Borrelia burgdorferi

Alban PS; Johnson 2000 Serum-starvation-induced changes in protein synthesis and morphology of Borrelia Microbiology, 146 (Pt 1):119-27.
PW; Nelson DR. burgdorferi.
"In a recent study, Brorson & Brorson (1997) demonstrated that B. burgdorferi cells transform from vegetative spirochaetes into spherical ‘cyst-forms’ when incubated in BSKII medium lacking rabbit serum (BSKII-S). We confirmed these observations. ...Within 24 h, cells started of serum were completely non-motile and 30-40% had begun to encyst. After 48 h incubation in RPMI, ~90% of serum-starved cells had formed cysts (Fig. 1). ...In contrast to typical helical vegetative cells, most 48 h serum-starved cells were coiled within a membrane. ...
When rabbit serum or BSK was added to RPMI containing 48 h serum-starved cells, the cysts opened within 10 s to yield intact, but non-motile spirochaete cells (Fig. 2). ...Cells begain to regain motility 12-15 h after emerging from the cysts.
..the Western blots displayed consistent differences between the protein antigens recognized in vegetative cells and cysts. ...By forming cysts, it is also
conceivable that B. burgdorferi cells evade detection by the immune system.
Cyst formation is an active cellular response to serum starvation. The addition of tetracycline inhibits cyst formation, demonstrating that cyst formation
requires protein synthesis and that cysts are not merely degenerative forms."

Formation of Cysts: A Survival Mechanism
Descriptions of spirochetal encystment — from the literature on Treponema Under stressful conditions, the treponeme ‘packs’ itself into a compact roll (Fig. 8) and becomes covered with a transparent mucoid capsule, which resists the penetration of drugs and antibodies. The organisms may persist in this form for a prolonged period without any reaction from the host. The encysted treponemes and the host coexist more or less peacefully, but under propitious circumstances the cysts may be transformed again into the usual spiral, which damages the cells of the host and elicits a response.
There is an increasing proof that B. burgdorferi s.l. can survive in infected tissues including the brains, also after treatment of penicilline-G, like Treponema pallidum. The Borrelia spirochete can hide intracellular in neurons and glial cells of the central nervous system, which is resulting in dysfunction of the cells and progressive cell death. The clinical manifestations are increasing dementia like the late neurosyphilis. So there are three different morphologic forms of the bacteria B. burgdorferi s.l and Treponema pallidum: the normal spirochete, the cystic form and the cell wall deficient - or spheroplast-, L-form. The bacterium can shift among these forms and the spirochete may be also intracellular situated. So this means that an antibiotic therapy that attacks only the normal, mobile spirochetes is not sufficient. The fact that the bacterium shows pleomorphism which depends of the type and presence or absence of the antibacterial stressor, means that the treatment strategy has to be as large as possible. This requires a combination therapy that consists of simultane or intermittent applications of different antibiotics which are each active against one or more pleomorphic forms of the spirochete. A combination might be doxycycline which is effective against the normal spirochetes and cell wall deficient bacteria, a derivate of erythromycine against the intracellular spirochetes and metronidazole or tinidazole against the cysts. The concentrations should be high enough to penetrate in all tissues and should be bactericidal to all different morphologic forms of the spirochete. All the official Lyme borreliosis guidelines of the Dutch Quality Institute for Health Care (CBO), The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) are orientated at the treatment of the normal Lyme spirochete. However, the ILADS working group will come with new guidelines which enclude studies of combination therapies that are active against the different morphologic forms of B. burgdorferi s.l.. Further research is needed to determine which combinations of antibiotics work best, if it should be given orally, intravenous or intramuscular and in which doses and durations of treatment. This literature study has made it clear that an “adequate” supposed antibiotic treatment against the normal, mobile spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is not sufficient to eliminate the bacterium. An adequate treatment of Lyme borreliosis should consist of the application of a combination of antibiotics against all possible morphologic forms: the normal, mobile spirochete, cysts, cell wall deficient forms (spheroplast-, L-forms) and intracellular spirochetes of B. burgdorferi s. l.: a wide range treatment strategy.
This is a 30 minute video with Dr. Alan MacDonald, a retired M.D. and board certified in Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology. This revealing interview from May 2013 (1 of 3) covers many of the controversies associated with Lyme disease:

- Chronic lyme disease;
- Alzheimer's and Lyme disease: microscopy and culturing brain tissue;
- How Borrelia changes and survives within the human host;
- The many strains and variations in Borrelia, how this relates to flawed testing.

The complete interview is available from The Arthroplasty Patient Foundation. Contribute an any-sized donation (more if outside the U.S.) at this link:

Our specific library of current intelligence on biofilms:

 Cystic Borrelia are under appreciated in borrelia biology. This Lecture discusses the formation of Cystic Borrelia, and the Pathological effects in the human body which are
associated with Cystic borrelia, Especially in the Brain. Congential hydrocephalus caused by Gestational borreliosis [ 3cases in world literature ] are reviewed in Detail.
Discussion of the possibility of motility in Cystic borrelia is correlated with Electron Microscopyof borrelia Cystic forms. The String of Pearls form of borrelia is illustrated and the identification of Borrelia String of Pearls forms in human blood by Profesor Morten Laane is illustrated. Round bodies associated with various Nerodegenerative
Disorders in the Human [ ALS, Parkinson's, Cortical Lewy body Dementia. CorticoBasal Degeneration, Alzheimer's disease, FrontoTemporal Dementia] are correlated with parallel observations of Round Body Borrelia Invading Human Brain neurons in a case of Alzheimer's disease. A New paradigm of Round body Neuropathology is suggested for further Study as evidence of Invasive Cystic borrelia microbes. This Paradigm would shift the classification of Neurodegenerative disorders containing Round Intra-neuronal bodies from Idiopathic in Cause to Infectious Diseases of the Human Brain.
Alan B. MacDonald MD July 21,2013




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