
piątek, 4 marca 2016

Borelioza szczepionka

Borelioza szczepionka

Przebycie boreliozy nie daje odporności na ponowne zakażenie. Dotychczas nie wyprodukowano skutecznej i bezpiecznej dla ludzi szczepionki przeciw boreliozie.
W 1988 roku rozpoczęto badania nad szczepionką przeciw boreliozie.

Naukowcy szybko stwierdzili, że układ odpornościowy człowieka rozpoznaje bakterie Borrelia, ale często bakterie ukrywają się zbyt szybko.Komórki obronne nie potrafią  odpowiednio zareagować, zanim bakterie się ukryją. Szczepionka powinna zatem spotęgować reakcję obronną organizmu tak, aby bakterie boreliozy nie miały żadnych szans na swoją niszczącą działalność.

W 1998 roku w Stanach Zjednoczonych do obrotu wprowadzono szczepionkę przeciw boreliozie, która chroniła przed zachorowaniami wywoływanymi przez  Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s.).A druga  (ImuLyme) nigdy nie dostala licencji..

Szczepionka o nazwie Lymerix potwierdziła swoją skuteczność u 49-92% badanych.

Szczepionka ta została wycofana w 2002 roku w związku z podejrzeniami, że u niektórych zaszczepionych mogła przyczyniać się do wystąpienia zapalenia stawów. Firma produkująca szczepionkę GlaxoSmithKline została zasypana pozwami od osób zaszczepionych Lymerix.Nastapilo wycofanie szczepionki z obrotu i wpłaceniu milionowych odszkodowań osobom pokrzywdzonym.

 Pracę nad nową szczepionką przeciw boreliozie cały czas trwają. Obecnie, duże nadzieje związane są ze szczepionką, której substancją czynną jest białko OspA. W badaniach wstępnych nowo opracowywana szczepionka była zdolna do zapobiegania zakażeń wywoływanych przez szczepy Borrelii.

W 1998 roku ogłoszono wynalezienie szczepionki trójwalentnej przez Reinhard Wallich.

W 1999 roku austriacka firma Baxter rozpoczęła próby kliniczne swojej szczepionki, która została zaprojektowana tak, by działała przeciwko różnym wariantom choroby spotykanym w Europie.

Pozytywnie wypadły testy na myszach. Co ciekawe, szczepionka firmy Baxter niszczy bakterię boreliozy jeszcze w kleszczu, skutkiem czego Borrelia nie może przemieszczać się z jelit pasożyta do jego gruczołów ślinowych.

W 2011 roku dr.Gregory A. z Polski wyraził pesymizm  odnośnie rozwoju nowej szczepionki przeciwko chorobie z Lyme w czasopiśmie Clinical Infectious Diseases w 2011 roku:

Jednak dwa lata później pojawila się wiadomość pracach nad nowa  szczepionce przeciw  chorobie  z Lyme .W 2013 Prowadzone były badania w Niemczech i Austri nad potencjalem szczepionki.
The research team consisted of scientists from Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Baxter International Inc. They analyzed the safety and immune response potential of the vaccine in a range of doses among 300 people living in Germany and Austria. Study volunteers received three primary immunizations and one booster. All types and doses – some of which had an adjuvent, an additive that triggers an immune response to the vaccine – resulted in significant antibodies against all species of Borrelia. The vaccine caused mostly mild adverse reactions.No-vaccine induced serious events were documented in the sample population.
2014 - Firma Baxter mowi iż prace nad szczepionka sa obiecujące.…/article_bedd4669-28e9-5e65-b913-4…

Barrett PN, Portsmouth D. A novel multivalent OspA vaccine against Lyme borreliosis shows promise in Phase I/II studies. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2013 Sep;12(9):973-5.

Poland GA. Vaccines against Lyme disease: What happened and what lessons can we learn? Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Feb;52 Suppl 3:s253-8.

o szczepionce :
Opisy stanu pacjentow,ktorzy zostali zaszczepieni szczepionka LYMERIX ,Tysiace opisow.Kazdy jeden przypadek dokladnie opisany.
Zamiast zapobieganiu Boreliozie - dostali objawy BORELIOZY

Administered by: Public     Purchased by: Other
Symptoms: Rash, Urticaria
SMQs:, Anaphylactic reaction (broad), Angioedema (narrow), Hypersensitivity (narrow)
Write-up: The medical history reportedly included rheumatoid arthritis since 1972 affecting all of the vaccinee''s joints. His range of motion was particularly limited in his ankles and elbows and his wrists were fused. Additionally, the medical history reportedly included osteoporosis and hypertension. Reportedly the vaccinee has developed a rash when taking sulfa drugs. Reportedly, the vaccinee had no history of gout, psoriasis, Crohn''s disease or Lyme disease. There were no family history of lupus. It was reported that his concurrent medications included etanercept (Enbrel), celecoxib (Celebrex), alendronate (Fosamax), amlodipine (Norvasc), and hydrochlorothiazide. In April 01 and May 01, the vaccinee reportedly received his first and second injections of LYMErix respectively w/out adverse event. The vaccinee stated that on 4/15/02, he received his 3rd injection of LYMErix. Reportedly, "w/in one week" of his third LYMErix injection, the vaccinee experienced a rash on his waist, groin, buttocks, and upper legs. The vaccinee stated that the rash started as pimples and became welts. Reportedly, he was seen by a dermatologist who did a scraping for a culture and determined that the rash was not fungal. The MD reportedly told the PT that some of the rash appeared to be "hot tub type rash" but that some appeared similar to Lyme disease rash. Reportedly, minocycline 100 mg twice daily was prescribed to treat the rash. As of 4/29/02, the event was reportedly ongoing.
Administered by: Other     Purchased by: Other
Symptoms: Arthralgia, Back pain, Bursitis, Eye pain, Fatigue, Headache, Influenza like illness, Lymphadenopathy, Muscle twitching, Musculoskeletal stiffness, Myalgia, Nausea, Oedema peripheral, Paraesthesia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sexual dysfunction
SMQs:, Rhabdomyolysis/myopathy (broad), Cardiac failure (broad), Acute pancreatitis (broad), Angioedema (broad), Peripheral neuropathy (broad), Retroperitoneal fibrosis (broad), Dyskinesia (broad), Dystonia (broad), Parkinson-like events (broad), Guillain-Barre syndrome (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow), Haemodynamic oedema, effusions and fluid overload (narrow), Glaucoma (broad), Eosinophilic pneumonia (broad), Arthritis (narrow), Tendinopathies and ligament disorders (broad)
Write-up: Report A0367516A describes Lyme disease in a 53 year old female who received Lyme disease vaccine recombinant OspA (LYMErix). This report was received as part of the litigation proceedings, with forwarding of medical records. The medical history included Lyme disease, stress, visual floaters, decreased libido, decreased sexual response, lattice degeneration, myopia, presbyopia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, temporomandibular joint syndrome, fibrocystic breast disease, mild nasal septal deviation, chronic sinusitis, tonisllectomy, appendectomy, ovariectomy, hyperthyroidism, menopause, benign lump removed from left breast, difficulty focusing attention, diarrhea, head pressure, pharyngeal diverticulum, cricopharyngeal spasm, left shoulder/scapular pain, depression, low pain pain, fatigue, tingling in hands and feet, numbness, muscle aches, diverticulosis by colonoscopy, and asymptomatic recurrent urinary tract infections. The vaccinee was allergic to ragweed and ousters. Concomitant medications included doxycycline, levothyroxine sodium and valerian. She had no known drug allergies. The subject was physically abused as a child. On 8/28/98, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 9 mm/hr (0-20) and anti-nuclear antibodies were negative (<1:40). On that date, Lyme antibodies by ELISA immunoassay were less than 0.8 (negative <0.8). Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain with brainstem with and without contrast performed on 1/26/99 revealed borderline tonsillar ectopia, there is a slight asymmetry of the cerebrospinal fluid space at the region of the medulla and cervical-medullary junction. This is probably within normal limits for this particular patient. However, a small epidermoid cannot be altogether excluded. A follow up study in 6 to 9 months is, therefore, recommended. Tiny polypoid mucosal lesion of the nasopharynx in a right paramedian location for which direct visual inspection is recommended. On 4/8/99 and 5/8/99, the vaccinee received her first (lot LY120E9) and second injections of LYMErix, respectfully
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