
poniedziałek, 27 listopada 2017

Hiperosmia – nadwrażliwość węchowa a Borelioza.

Neurological involvement in Lyme disease has been reported to include meningitis, cranial neuropathy and radiculoneuritis. While it is known that in some cases of asceptic meningitis patients may develop hyperosmia, the association between hyperosmia and Lyme disease has not previously been studied.
This first systematic controlled study showed that Lyme disease is associated with hyperosmia. In the sample studied, there was a highly significant prevalence of hyperosmia in Lyme disease of 50%.
Known migraineurs were excluded from this study and so it is unlikely that migraine could account for our finding. Again, as none of the subjects included in the study had clinical signs of meningitis, it is unlikely that meningitis could account for the high prevalence of hyperosmia in the Lyme disease group, although a subclinical form of meningitis associated with Lyme borreliosis cannot be ruled out as of importance. Finally, it should be noted that none of the medication taken by any of the patients is known to be associated with hyperosmia.
This is the first study of hyperosmia in Lyme disease. The high prevalence of this olfactory disorder found in our study suggests the need for further studies of olfactory function in this disease. It would also be of interest to carry out longitudinal studies to evaluate the response of hyperosmia to antibiotic pharmacotherapy
Do objawów tych zaliczamy
  • zmęczenie (około 90% pacjentów),
  • zaburzenia pamięci (około 80% pacjentów),
  • światłowstręt (około 70% pacjentów), w tym nadwrażliwość na światło komputera, telewizora i inne źródła światła,
  • nadwrażliwość na dźwięki połączona z oczopląsem, nudnościami, wymiotami i agresją (około 30% pacjentów)
  • nadwrażliwość zmysłów dotyku, smaku i węchu (około 20% pacjentów),
  • wysoka drażliwość,
  • zaburzenia nastroju (około 80% pacjentów), którym często towarzyszą stany lekowe tj.: podwyższony poziomu lęku, napady paniki oraz zaburzenia obsesyjno-kompulsywne,
  • zaburzenia snu (trudności w zasypianiu, liczne wybudzenia w nocy, nadmierna senność w ciągu dnia),
  • dezorientacja przestrzenna (około 57% pacjentów).,246.html


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