
niedziela, 11 marca 2018

Agresja i borelioza

Aggressiveness, violence, homicidality, homicide, and Lyme disease

Results: Most aggression with LD was impulsive, sometimes provoked by intrusive symptoms, sensory stimulation or frustration and was invariably bizarre and senseless. About 9.6% of LD patients were homicidal with the average diagnosis delay of 9 years. Postinfection findings associated with homicidality that separated from the non-homicidal group within the 95% confidence interval included suicidality, sudden abrupt mood swings, explosive anger, paranoia, anhedonia, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle, disinhibition, nightmares, depersonalization, intrusive aggressive images, dissociative episodes, derealization, intrusive sexual images, marital/family problems, legal problems, substance abuse, depression, panic disorder, memory impairments, neuropathy, cranial nerve symptoms, and decreased libido. Seven LD homicides included predatory aggression, poor impulse control, and psychosis. Some patients have selective hyperacusis to mouth sounds, which I propose may be the result of brain dysfunction causing a disinhibition of a primitive fear of oral predation.
Aggression and Lyme Disease
by Robert C. Bransfield, M.D.
Deficits caused by LD that are sometimes as­sociated with increased risk for aggressive behavior may include:
1. Decreased frustration tolerance. (This is magnified by the increased frustration caused by a chronic illness).
2. Decreased impulse control.
3. When mild, the combination of decreased frustra­tion tolerance and decreased impulse control leads to irritability. When  more extreme, this combination can result in explosive anger.
4. Hyposexuality and hypersexuality caused by LD, both of which cause increased   interpersonal frus­tration.
5. Dysfunction causing different forms of obsessive compulsive disorder, which results in intrusive thoughts, images, and compulsions that sometimes are of an aggressive nature
6. Some dysfunction results in a decreased bonding capacity
7. Increased startle reflex - particu­larly increased acoustic startle.
8. Hypervigilance and paranoia
9. Delusions and hallucinations.
10. Some patients acquire impairment in their ability to regulate the arousal level of an emotion. As a result, emotions such as anger may be all or none, excessively intense, and not proportionate to the current situa­tion. This also leads to a decline in the ability to integrate concurrent emotions that exist either within the patient or in a relationship with another  person. This symptom may in turn intensify other psychiat­ric syndromes such as post-traumatic stress disor­der, dissociative disorders, borderline personality, and narcissistic personality disorders.
Late in the summer of her twenty-second year, she developed the classic symptoms of Lyme disease and was treated with oral antibiotics. When they didn't make a dent in her condition, her doctor placed her on intravenous Rocephin and she appeared to get well. But almost two years later, she came down with a new set of symptoms, this time psychiatric.
Not only was she irritable and anxious, she also began to check things obsessively and eventually descended into a deep depression. Her psychiatric symptoms were so numerous, in fact, it was impossible to label her as having just a single disorder. She developed mania with rapid mood swings, from grandiosity to sudden tearfulness; paranoid delusions; auditory hallucinations; verbal aggressiveness; and violent impulses. She also suffered cognitive dysfunction, including trouble in spelling, writing, and verbal fluency. Despite hospitalization and treatment with "every psychotropic imaginable," says Bransfield, the patient declined, her depression becoming so severe that she tried to kill herself.
"This was very different from run-of-the-mill bipolar disorder," Bransfield said. "She kept getting worse, and she had physical symptoms, too. It forced the question: Could it be a reoccurrence of Lyme disease? She was so depressed I believed suicide was inevitable, so with no other option in sight, I began seeking a physician willing to treat her with antibiotics for Lyme disease. No one was willing to take the responsibility, so I wrote the order for intravenous Rocephin myself. It was a lifesaving decision. The patient responded to the treatment and today remains mentally and physically well."
(4)  Borrelia burgdorferi and other Borrelia species
By textbook definition, Borrelia burgdorferi is the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.  Lyme disease is theoretically a tick-borne illness; in reality it has many other routes of transmission, including from mom-to-baby in utero.  Lyme disease is well known for causing neurological issues.  One of the terms that comes out of that is Lyme rage, manifesting as irritability, anger, aggressive and sometimes violent behaviors.  Testing for Lyme is not a perfect science, there are many false negatives, and testing through labs such as Labcorp and Quest tends not to be highly sensitive.  I do all my Lyme testing through IGeneX, a specialty Lyme lab

(5)  Bartonella henselae and other Bartonella species
Bartonella is one of the co-infections of Lyme, which means it is often transmitted through the same bite, or the same mode of infection, as the Borrelia bacteria.  Bartonella is the co-infection that causes a lot of psychiatric symptoms – very high anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, paranoia and aggressive behavior.  This is especially true in children.  Bartonella can also be tested for via IGeneX labs but false negatives are possible there too.
These infections are among many possible causes of aggressive behavior in children, but they are prevalent enough to warrant testing for.  Three out of these five do require a blood test (which can be done in a single draw), which can be challenging with kids, but the Candida and Clostridia can be assessed via a urine sample.  I have seen (and treated) many kids who were housing these underlying, chronic infections, and I can attest to the fact that treating these infections can dramatically improve, and often resolve, these issues.  I feel so sad for the kids that are impacted by underlying infections – their nervous system has been taken hostage and they cannot help the behavior they are displaying.  To me it is worth looking into a physiological cause, rather than assuming that their behavior is simply rebellious, or that they are just inherently aggressive children.
Neuroborelioza to borelioza układu nerwowego, a jej objawy są bardzo podobne do objawów depresji. ... co może objawić się zarówno apatią, zaawansowaną depresją i tendencjami samobójczymi, jak i stałym rozdrażnieniem, wybuchami złości, atakami agresji, a nawet różnymi formami obsesji i natręctw myślowych

Przypadek pacjenta odpowiada w ogólnym zarysie opisowi neuroboreliozy, której rozpoznanie poprzedziły jakościowe zaburzenia świadomości przebiegające z dezorientacją, zmianą zachowania, pobudzeniem psychoruchowym i agresją. W trakcie trwania choroby pojawiły się objawy psychopatologiczne z kręgu psychopatologii wytwórczej oraz zaburzeń depresyjnych na podłożu organicznego uszkodzenia OUN.
Opis dotyczył mężczyzny, żonatego, mieszkającego z rodziną, aktywnego zawodowo i bez obciążeń psychiatrycznych w najbliższej rodzinie. Bezpośrednio przed wystąpieniem zaburzeń stanu psychicznego pacjent nie był narażony na żadne czynniki stresowe. Nie nadużywał alkoholu, nie przyjmował substancji odurzających, nie miał także urazu głowy. Początkowo objawy były charakterystyczne dla jakościowych zaburzeń świadomości, lecz brak zadowalającej poprawy po leczeniu farmakologicznym, tudzież wyniki badań dodatkowych (dodatni test w kierunku boreliozy, wynik badania płynu mózgowo-rdzeniowego), skierowały uwagę lekarzy na tę jednostkę chorobową i nasunęły jednocześnie pytanie o patomechanizm zaistniałych i poprzedzających ją zaburzeń psychicznych. Ponadto towarzyszące im objawy neurologiczne
– zaznaczony zespół oponowy, stany podgorączkowe oraz lędźwiowy ból korzeniowy o typie radiculitis – wymagały pogłębienia diagnostyki o badania obrazowe. Obraz tomografii komputerowej przemawiał za maską pseudoguzową neuroboreliozy, co zostało następnie wykluczone w badaniu kontrolnym za pomocą NMR.
Po zastosowanym leczeniu farmakologicznym uzyskano poprawę stanu ogólnego i psychicznego. Pacjent nadal pozostaje w stałym leczeniu psychiatrycznym ambulatoryjnym z uwagi na utrzymujące się objawy zaburzeń depresyjnych na podłożu organicznego uszkodzenia OUN.
Reasumując należy dodać, że borelioza nie jest izolowanym schorzeniem, dotyczącym jednego układu czy narządu, a problemem interdyscyplinarnym, wymagającym diagnostyki i leczenia wielospecjalistycznego
Badanie płynu mózgowo-rdzeniowego: bezbarwny, skrzep nieobecny, cytoza – 1 w 1 µl, erytrocyty – 10 w 1 µl, białko – 56 mg/dl, glukoza – 82 mg/dl, chlorki – 118,2 mmol/l. Badanie płynu mózgowo-rdzeniowego w kierunku boreliozy – przeciwciała IgG – wynik UJEMNY !
Występuje równie nadwrażliwość na dźwięki połączona z oczopląsem, nudnościami,wymiotami i agresją (30%). Ponadto obserwuje się nadwra liwość na dotyk, smak i węch (20%), wysoką drażliwość, zaburzenia nastroju (84%), idiosynkrazje (69%), dezorientację przestrzenną (57%) [12, 13].
dźwięki połączona z oczopląsem, nudnościami,
wymiotami i agresją (30%). Ponadto obserwuje się
nadwra liwość na dotyk, smak i węch (20%), wy-
soką dra liwość, zaburzenia nastroju (84%), idio-
synkrazje (69%), dezorientację przestrzenną (57%)
[12, 13].
Borelioza ,agresja u chorych psów :
Though rare, there is a possibility for neurological disorders to occur once your dog is infected with Lyme disease. Possible neurological disorders include increased irritability and aggression, depression, confusion, over-eating, nerve damage in limbs and facial paralysis.



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