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piątek, 20 maja 2016


Plaquenil należy do grupy leków przeciwzapalnych i immunosupresyjnych z grupy 4-aminochinolin. Stosuje się go do leczenia i zapobiegania ostrym atakom malarii tropikalnej, leczenia toczeni oraz reumatoidalnych zapaleń stawów.,plaquenil---wlasciwosci--zastosowanie--przeciwwskazania,artykul,1727183.html

Plaquenil w leczeniu boreliozy zostal wprowadzony przez Dr. Donte. Kilka lat temu na zjezdzie naukowym opisal on historie tego odkrycia. Wszystko sie zaczelo od publikcji Dr Raoulta, ktory pracowal nad inna choroba (Riketsjoza) na Uniwersytecie z Marseilles.

Donta tam do niego pojechal i pokazano mu eksperyment. Polegalo to na tym, ze gdy podawano dodatkowo odkwaszajacy srodek do hodowli zarazonych komorek to dodatek antybiotyku powodowal duzo wieksze spustoszenie wsrod bakterii niz w sytuacji gdy byl podawany sam antybiotyk.

Te badania byly robione na innych organizmach niz Borrelia, ale pozwolily Doncie na skojarzenie faktu, ze antybiotyki z grupy makrolidow gorzej dzialaja w kwasnym srodowisku. Wowczas Donta wprowadzil do arsenalu lekow Plaquenil, ktory jest silnie uzasadawiajacym srodkiem dostepnym latwo na rynku amerykanskim.

Do dzisiaj Dr. Donta uzywa Plaquenilu razem z makrolidami lub Doxycyklina. Jednoczesnie w czasie tego leczenia zaleca nie brac witamin grupy B ani witaminy C uwazajac, ze one niepotrzebnie zmieniaja pH komorkowe w nie ta strone co trzeba.

Wg prywatnych statystyk Dr. Donty nie mozna wyleczyc 20% przypadkow przewleklej boreliozy trwajacej dluzej niz 2 lata i nie mozna wyleczyc 5% przypadkow borelizy trwajacych krocej niz rok.
Czas leczenia wg niego jest mierzony w dlugich miesiacach a w chronicznych przypadkach do kilku lat.

Dr Burrascano sugerował doxy+plaquenil na mykoplazmy
Wg dr Horowitza palquenil jest nie tylko na cysty, ale tez na bartonellę a także na współzakażenie bartonellą i babesią
strona Czeska z google tlumaczem na polski.Informacje wyzej tez z innych stron

Przypadki kliniczne.Dokladny opis 8 przypadkow
Opis.Wyniki Wb - Borelioza.Leczenie antybiotykami + dodatkowo Plaquenil.Opis rezultatu.j.angielski.

ceny apteka Czechy - Plaquenil :

ceny apteka w Holandii

Leczenie ,,starej,, infekcji - Czechy :

Amoksycylina 1000mg 3x dziennie
Klarytromycyna 500mg 2x dziennie
(lub azytromycyna) 500 1x dziennie
Plaquenil 200 mg 2 razy dziennie
Doksycyklina 200mg dziennie - mozna podzielic na 2 dawki dziennie
Plaquenil 200 mg 2x dziennie 100
Minocyklina 100 mg moze byc podzielona na na dwie dawki dzienne
Plaquenil i 100 mg 2x dziennie
Na cysty i biofilm : metronidazol i Plaquenil (hydroksychlorochina).
Minocyklina i Plaquenil leczy się neuroborelioze.

Holandia - leczenie Boreliozy + Babesia

1x500 Azytromycyna
2x100 Plaquenil

UMC Nijmegen
hydroxychloroquine - PLAQUENIL

Można sprawdzić interreakcje.

np. - Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) i wit B12

Nie bierze się z Plaquenil

 Hydroxychloroquine May DEPLETE Calcium and Vitamin D. AVOID magnesium as it may reduce blood levels of this drug

 The use of various supplements has been advocated by some, but evidence of their efficacy not established, and it would seem prudent to minimize the numbers of medications and supplements taken that might not only add difficulty to interpretation of any progress during the treatment period, but perhaps aid the survival of the spirochetes and retard resolution of the illness. In particular, the use of multivitamins and anti-oxidants is to be avoided, as supplemental vitamin C, as previously noted, would counteract the effects of hydroxychloroquine. As for B vitamins, these might theoretically be aiding the spirochete’s survival, as they are unable to synthesize their own B vitamins; and our observations are that patients on supplemental B vitamins do not respond as favorably to antibiotic treatment as do those not taking these supplements. Patients not taking supplemental B vitamins do not appear to have any deficiencies in these vitamins, so they are not being put at risk by the lack of supplemention. Vitamin D, however, is to be encouraged as it is frequently low in patients with persistent Lyme disease, and may be helpful in providing anti-inflammatory benefit. The use of anti-oxidants such as coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E should also be avoided, as these agents may retard the host’s ability to damage the spirochetes. Recent evidence also suggests that anti-oxidants promote antibiotic tolerance and bio-film formation [,].



Macrolide antibiotics are highly active in vitro against B.burgdorferi, but have limited efficacy in the treatment of patients with Lyme Disease. As macrolides are less active at a low pH, their poor clinical activity might be due to localization of borrelia to an acidic endosome, and their activity improved by alkalinization of that compartment with hydroxychloroquine.


235 patients with a multi-symptom complex typical of chronic Lyme disease, ie fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, and neurocognitive dysfunction and with serologic reactivity against B.burgdorferi were treated with a macrolide antibiotic (eg clarithromycin) and hydroxychloroquine.


Eighty % of patients had self-reported improvement of 50% or more at the end of 3 months. After 2 months of treatment, 20% of patients felt markedly improved (75-100% of normal); after 3 months of treatment, 45% were markedly improved. Improvement frequently did not begin until after several weeks of therapy. There were no differences among the three macrolide antibiotics used. Patients who had been on hydroxychloroquine or macrolide antibiotic alone had experienced little or no improvement. Compared to patients ill for less than 3 years, the onset of improvement was slower, and the failure rate higher in patients who were ill for longer time periods.


These results support the hypothesis that the Lyme borrelia reside in an acidic endosome and that the use of a lysosomotropic agent augments the clinical activity of macrolide antibiotics in the treatment of patients with chronic Lyme Disease. In contrast, the efficacy of tetracycline in such patients is not affected by hydroxychloroquine.

PLAQUENIL - Przeciwdziala powstawaniu form torbieli oraz zwiększa penetrację antybiotyków do torbieli


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