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czwartek, 8 grudnia 2016

Endometrioza a Borelioza

Szczepy endometrialne 2 z 3 pacjentek wyszły pozytywnie na obecność Borrelia Burgdorferi z użyciem testu PCR

Powinno się rozważyć boreliozę u pacjentek z endometriozą, szczególnie jeśli objawy nie ustępują po odpowiednim leczeniu

Borelioza może wpływać na układ odpornościowy czyniąc kobietę bardziej podatną na rozwój endometriozy


Choroba rozwija się powoli, a przebiega często ze skąpymi objawami chorobowymi lub bezobjawowo. Zaczyna zwracać uwagę chorej z uwagi na ból podczas współżycia, problemy z zajściem w ciążę.
Endometrioza objawia się dolegliwościami bólowymi w miednicy mniejszej, zaburzeniami cyklu miesięcznego oraz obfitymi krwawieniami miesiączkowymi, często występuje PMS. Bardzo często doprowadza do niedrożności jajowodów i zaburzenia zdolności rozrodczych bądź do bezpłodności.
Rzadszymi objawami są plamienia lub krwawienia acykliczne, nadmierne krwawienia miesięczne (typowo w adenomyosis), krwiomocz (postać pęcherzowa), krwawienia z przewodu pokarmowego (postać jelitowa), plamienia kontaktowe (lokalizacja szyjkowa).
Endometriosis-associated Lyme disease. 2010

Matalliotakis IM1, Cakmak H, Ziogos MD, Kalogeraki A, Kappou D, Arici A


The aim of this study is to report three cases of patients with endometriosis and infertility, and associated with Lyme disease. The medical files of 405 women with endometriosis and 200 without endometriosis were studied retrospectively. We report 3 cases with endometriosis and Lyme disease. Of 405 patients with endometriosis treated in our study over a 6-year period, 3(0.8%) had Lyme disease. All cases presented with typical erythema migraines, fever and fatigue. The serological findings were positive for Borrelia burgdorferi, for 3 cases. Two out of 3 women underwent IVF-ET procedures and one of them conceived in the first cycle without complication during pregnancy or after childbirth recorded. We concluded that women with endometriosis are more likely to have chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic lupus erythematous, Sjögren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune inflammatory and endocrine diseases. A review of the literature confirms the uniqueness of the co-existence of Lyme disease in women with endometriosis in these cases..

There may be people seeing this who wish they weren’t seeing this and if you’re one of them, please move along now.. I know my body is not sexy by the ideals that society has told us are sexy, I’m not offended, you don’t have to like seeing my body. Believe me, there are plenty of days I don’t like seeing my body. But I’m working on loving myself anyway and the fact is that I am a real woman with a real problem, and I feel it a privilege to find my way on a path of natural wholistic healing and to be able to share it through ways like this. To connect and reach people I may never have dreamed of knowing otherwise. Even though I consider my journey to be in its infancy, I think I have been called to begin sharing with others and help guide young women to knowing that there can be more to healing than conventional synthetic hormone treatments that mask symptoms. I am confident that nature can provide me with a cure; I just have to be patient, open, connect. Allow order to restore in my cells, and continue with the deep detox of a body that was chemically sabotaged for the first 20+ years of its existence. It does not do one’s ego well to become consumed with the idea of a quick fix. Live in the transition, too. There is so much to be learned. When you are always trying to skip ahead to the destination, you miss the scenery. Slow down. Treat your body with respect.



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