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wtorek, 6 września 2016

choroba Morgellonów - Borelioza ?

Badania opublikowane 28 stycznia 2013 przez dr.Petera Mayne (dermatolog) z Australii, sugerują zaskakujący związek między Morgellons i Borelioza.
Badania wykazały, że  krętki znaleziono  w zmianach skórnych osób mających Morgellons (choroba morgellonów).
W niniejszym badaniu sugeruje się zmianę nazwy z Morgellons  na Borrelia.

Podejrzewa się iż przyczyna może być także promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne z urządzeń i systemów nadawczo-odbiorczych, a także żywność GMO.

dr.Peter Mayne cala praca :

Abstract: Morgellons disease is an emerging skin disease characterized by formation of dermal filaments associated with multisystemic symptoms and tick-borne illness. Some clinicians hypothesize that these often colorful dermal filaments are textile fibers, either self-implanted by patients or accidentally adhering to lesions, and conclude that patients with this disease have delusions of infestation. We present histological observations and electron microscopic imaging from representative Morgellons disease samples revealing that dermal filaments in these cases are keratin and collagen in composition and result from proliferation and activation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in the epidermis. Spirochetes were detected in the dermatological specimens from our study patients, providing evidence that Morgellons disease is associated with an infectious process.


Morgellons disease (MD) is a dermopathy characterized by multicolored filaments that lie under, are embedded in, or project from skin. Although MD was initially considered to be a delusional disorder, recent studies have demonstrated that the dermopathy is associated with tickborne infection, that the filaments are composed of keratin and collagen, and that they result from proliferation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in epithelial tissue. Culture, histopathological and molecular evidence of spirochetal infection associated with MD has been presented in several published studies using a variety of techniques. Spirochetes genetically identified as Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto predominate as the infective agent in most of the Morgellons skin specimens studied so far. Other species of Borrelia including Borrelia garinii, Borrelia miyamotoi, and Borrelia hermsii have also been detected in skin specimens taken from MD patients. The optimal treatment for MD remains to be determined.

Choroba objawia się dziwnym  uczuciem przypominającym, jak  to  ujmują niektórzy pacjenci, "przemieszczanie się pluskw pod skórą".

Wywołuje to ból, swędzenie, wypadanie włosów,powstawanie ran i inne nieprzyjemności.

Mimowolne skurcze mięśni,chroniczne zmęczenie, niemożność napięcia mięśni,niski  poziom hormonów, fibromyalgia, opuchlizna mięśni,ociężałość mentalna,problemy z koncentracją,paraliż  zmysłów, nudności , wysypka. Szczególnie dziwne  są wychodzące z ran dziwne nitki.

Znajduja się  pod skórą i są bardzo odporne na zniszczenie.

Abstract: Bovine digital dermatitis is an emerging infectious disease that causes lameness, decreased milk production, and weight loss in livestock. Proliferative stages of bovine digital dermatitis demonstrate keratin filament formation in skin above the hooves in affected animals. The multifactorial etiology of digital dermatitis is not well understood, but spirochetes and other coinfecting microorganisms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this veterinary illness. Morgellons disease is an emerging human dermopathy characterized by the presence of filamentous fibers of undetermined composition, both in lesions and subdermally. While the etiology of Morgellons disease is unknown, there is serological and clinical evidence linking this phenomenon to Lyme borreliosis and coinfecting tick-borne agents. Although the microscopy of Morgellons filaments has been described in the medical literature, the structure and pathogenesis of these fibers is poorly understood. In contrast, most microscopy of digital dermatitis has focused on associated pathogens and histology rather than the morphology of late-stage filamentous fibers. Clinical, laboratory, and microscopic characteristics of these two diseases are compared. - See more at:

“A beautifully constructed, honest and earnest call-to-action about one of the most baffling and stigmatized illnesses of our time."
Andy Abrahams Wilson, Director of Under Our Skin

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