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niedziela, 10 lipca 2016

Gatunki Borrelia i koinfekcji

Spirocheten  de Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bb) grupa:
B. burgdorferi sensu stricto : -USA i Europa
B. garinii:           Europa
B. afzelii: -tylko Europa
B. bavariensis :   Europa
B. spielmanii      Niemcy - Europa
B. ruski: -            Europa
B.Persica -          Europa
B.Tillae               Europa
B.Turicatae         Europa
B.Miyyamotoi     Europa
B.Caucasica        Europa
B.Hispanica        Hiszpania
B.Berbera           Tunezja
 gatunki kleszczy :USA:I. scapularis en I. pacificusAzja de I.persulcatus Europa de I. ricinus.

Anaplasma Phagocytophilum/Ehrlichia Phagocytophilum

Babesia Bigemina
Babesia Bovis
Babesia Canis
Babesia Cati
Babesia Divergen
Babesia Duncani
Babesia Felis
Babesia Gibsoni
Babesia Herpailurus
Babesia Jakimoni
Babesia Major
Babesia Microti/ Theileria Microti
Babesia Ovate
Babesia Pantherae

oraz inne.Okolo 100 gatunkow.

Bartonella Alsaticca
Bartonella Arupensis
Bartonella Berkhoffii
Bartonella Birtlesii
Bartonella Bovis
Bartonella Capreoli
Bartonella Clarridgeiae
Bartonella Doshiae
Bartonella Elizabethae/ Rochalimaea Elizabethae
Bartonella Grahamii
Bartonella Henselae/ Rochalimaea Henselae
Bartonella Koehlerae
Bartonella Melophagi
Bartonella Muris
Bartonella Peromyscus
Bartonella Quintana/ Rochalimaea Quintana/ Rickettsia Quintana
Bartonella Rochalimae
Bartonella Schoenbuchensis
Bartonella Talpae
Bartonella Taylorii
Bartonella Tribocorum
Bartonella Vinsonii/ Rochalimaea
Bartonella Washoensis


Borrelia afzelii -  ---------------------------------------------       BORELIOZA    objawy skórne -rumien

Borrelia andersonii ---------------------------------------------   BORELIOZA

Borrelia americana  ---------------------------------------------- BORELIOZA

Borrelia anserina        - choroba ptaków -

Borrelia baltazardii    - choroba zwierząt

Borrelia bavariensis  -----------------------------------------------BORELIOZA

Borrelia bissettii  ----------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA

Borrelia brasiliensis   ptaki

Borrelia burgdorferi  sensu stricto  - -----------------------------BORELIOZA

Borrelia californiensis --------------------------------------------- BORELIOZA     Ameryka

Borrelia carolinensis       u bydla
Borrelia caucasica          gorączka jelenie 
Borrelia coriaceae          gorączka jelenie
Borrelia crocidurae        Afryka cykliczna gorączka
Borrelia dugesii              Afryka kleszcz - ptaki
Borrelia duttonii             cykliczna gorączka

Borrelia garinii      ---------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA objawy neurologiczne

Borrelia graingeri           ptaki
Borrelia harveyi              Japonia

Borrelia hermsii       --------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA goraczka

Borrelia hispanica            ptaki
Borrelia japonica             gryzonie

Borrelia kurtenbachii  ------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA

Borrelia latyschewii  -------------------------------------------------- BORELIOZA

Borrelia lonestari     ptaki

Borrelia lusitaniae   -----------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA

Borrelia mazzottii    gorączką
Borrelia merionesi   myszy
Borrelia microti       ptaki

Borrelia miyamotoi    ----------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA goraczka

Borrelia parkeri                 gorączka
Borrelia persica                 ptaki
Borrelia queenslandica      myszy, szczury
Borrelia recurrentis           gorączka

Borrelia sinica         ---------------------------------------------------     BORELIOZA

Borrelia spielmanii  -------------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA

Borrelia tanukii      psy,koty

Borrelia theileri     ---------------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA Australia

Borrelia tillae         gorączką
Borrelia turcica      gorączką
Borrelia turdi          gorączką

Borrelia turicatae  ----------------------------------------------------------BORELIOZA

Borrelia valaisiana  niewiele wiadomo na temat tego gatunku, który jest jednak rozprzestrzenił się na całym świecie. Znaleziono u jednego pacjenta, który mieszkał w RPA, ale był w  Grecji  na wakacjach. Ten pacjent miał neuroboreliozę.

Borrelia venezuelensis  z gorączką.

Borrelia vincentii          u ludzi w jamie ustnej.

Borrelia texasensis

inne :

B. acomydis             wiewiórki.
B. alsatica                 powoduje obrzęk węzłów chłonnych i zapalenie zastawek serca .
B. australis                kangury.
B. bacilliformis         Ameryka Południowa przez komary- koty
B. birtlesii                 występuje u myszy i szczurów.B. bovis, syn.
B. weissii                  przeżuwacze.
B. callosciuri,            Egipt myszoskoczki.
B. capreoli                 przeżuwacze.
B. chomelii                przeżuwacze.
B. clarridgeiae           choroba kociego pazura.B. Cooper myszy i szczurów.
B. doshiae                  koty.
B. elizabethae syn.   Rochalimaea elizabethae        psy.
B. grahamii                                      występuje u myszy
B. henselae,                                      choroba kociego pazura.
B. jaculi                                            gryzonie
B. japonica,                                      myszy.
B. koehlerae                                     koty
B. pachyuromydis                            gryzonie
B. peromysci                                    myszy i jelenie.
B. phoceensis                                   szczury
B. queensland chinensis,                  szczury.
B. Quintana,                                     choroba kociego pazura w czasie II wojny światowej.
B. rattaustraliani                               szczury.
B. rattimassiliensis                           szczury
B. elizabethae.B. rochalimae           choroba kociego pazura, zaraża również psy i lisy roznoszą pchły.
B. schoenbuchensis                          jelenie oraz  powoduje wysypki (zapalenie skóry) u ludzi.
B. senegalensis,                                Afryka
B. sihatica,                                       Japonia  myszy.
B. silvicola,                                      nietoperze
B. talpae B. tamiae,                          Azja
B. taylorii                                          szczury i nornice.
B. tribocorum,                                  szczury oraz  ludzie Tajlandia
B. vinsonii,                                       psy i nornice,
B. vinsonii spp. berkhoffii                ludzie
B. washoensis,                                  psy i wiewiórki -zapalenie opon mózgowych u ludzi.
Candidatus B. ancashi                      niedawno znaleziono w Peru
Candidatus B. antechini                   niedawno znaleziono -myszy
Candidatus B. bandicootii                niedawno znaleziono - pchły
Candidatus B. breitschwerdtii
Candidatus B. durdenii
Candidatus B. eldjazairii
Candidatus Mayo Timo B. chinensis,                może powodować zapalenie wsierdzia u ludzi.
Candidatus B. melophagi
Candidatus B. merieuxii
Candidatus B. monaxi                                        występuje w Ameryce Północnej (Marmota monax).
Candidatus B. rudakovii
Candidatus B. chinensis                                     w Tajlandii.
Candidatus B. volans,                                        latające wiewiórki (Glaucomys Volans).
Candidatus B. woyliei                                       pchły.

Coxiella burnetti syn. Rickettsia rickettsii

powoduje gorączkę Q, zwłaszcza owiec i "gorączke plamista Gór Skalistych (RMSF)".

FrancisellaFrancisella tularensis,

powoduje gorączkę u królikow (Tularemia)..LeptospiraRickettsia

erlichioza u ludzi.

Rickettsia amblyommii, USA, wywołując gorączkę kleszczowa.

Rickettsia prowazekii             gorączka

Ehrlichia chaffeensis              jelenie, powoduje erlichioze.
Ehrlichia ewingii                    powoduje erlichioze.
Ehrlichia canis                        u psów i kotów, powoduje erlichioze.

Neorickettsia sennetsu syn. Ehrlichia sennetsu powoduje  -erlichioze.

Theileria syn. Babesia            Istnieje około 20 gatunków, z których tylko dwie są  badane.

Theileria microti, syn. Babesia microti, u ludzi babeszjozaTreponema
Związana z Lyme, choroba Alzheimera.

Treponemas wykryto w mózgach pacjentów z chorobą  Alzheimera:
T. pectinovorum- T. amylovorum- T. lecithinolyticum- T. maltophilum- Media T.- T. socranskii
BARTONELLA - gatunki dokładny opis

Bartonella Strong

et al. 1915, genus. (Type genus of the family  Bartonellaceae Gieszczykiewicz 1939 [Approved Lists 1980]).
Type species: Bartonella bacilliformis (Strong et al. 1913) Strong et al. 1915 (Approved Lists 1980).
Synonym: "Bartonia" Strong et al. 1913.
Etymology: N.L. fem. dim. n. Bartonella, named after Alberto L. Barton, who described these organisms in 1909, after studying the agent of Carrion's disease.
References: SKERMAN (V.B.D.), McGOWAN (V.) and SNEATH (P.H.A.) (editors): Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1980, 30, 225-420

(Approved Lists of Bacterial Names in IJSEM Online - Approved Lists of Bacterial Names Amended edition).
[STRONG (R.P.), TYZZER (E.E.) and SELLARDS (A.W.): Oroya fever. Second report. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1915, 64, 806-808.]
Bartonella Strong et al. 1915 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Brenner et al. 1993.
Type species: ¤ Bartonella bacilliformis (Strong et al. 1913) Strong et al. 1915 (Approved Lists 1980).
Synonym: "Bartonia" Strong et al. 1913.
Etymology: N.L. fem. dim. n. Bartonella, named after Alberto L. Barton, who described these organisms in 1909, after studying the agent of Carrion's disease.
Reference: BRENNER (D.J.), O'CONNOR (S.P.), WINKLER (H.H.) and STEIGERWALT (A.G.): Proposals to unify the genera Bartonella and Rochalimaea, with descriptions of Bartonella quintana comb. nov., Bartonella vinsonii comb. nov., Bartonella henselae comb. nov., and Bartonella elizabethae comb. nov., and to remove the family Bartonellaceae from the order Rickettsiales. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1993, 43, 777-786.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Note: According to Brenner et al. 1993, Bartonella Strong et al. 1915 (Approved lists 1980) is an earlier heterotypic synonym of  Rochalimaea (Macchiavello 1947) Krieg 1961 (Approved Lists 1980).
Reference: BRENNER (D.J.), O'CONNOR (S.P.), WINKLER (H.H.) and STEIGERWALT (A.G.): Proposals to unify the genera Bartonella and Rochalimaea, with descriptions of Bartonella quintana comb. nov., Bartonella vinsonii comb. nov., Bartonella henselae comb. nov., and Bartonella elizabethae comb. nov., and to remove the family Bartonellaceae from the order Rickettsiales. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1993, 43, 777-786.
Original article in IJSEM Online          

Bartonella Strong et al. 1915 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Birtles et al. 1995.
Type species: ¤ Bartonella bacilliformis (Strong et al. 1913) Strong et al. 1915 (Approved Lists 1980).
Synonym: "Bartonia" Strong et al. 1913.
Etymology: N.L. fem. dim. n. Bartonella, named after Alberto L. Barton, who described these organisms in 1909, after studying the agent of Carrion's disease.
Reference: BIRTLES (R.J.), HARRISON (T.G.), SAUNDERS (N.A.) and MOLYNEUX (D.H.): Proposals to unify the genera Grahamella and Bartonella, with descriptions of Bartonella talpae comb. nov., Bartonella peromysci comb. nov., and three new species, Bartonella grahamii sp. nov., Bartonella taylorii sp. nov., and Bartonella doshiae sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 1-8.
Original article in IJSEM Online          
Note: According to Birtles et al. 1995, Bartonella Strong et al. 1915 (Approved lists 1980) is an earlier heterotypic synonym of ¤ Grahamella (ex Brumpt 1911) Ristic and Kreier 1984.
Reference: BIRTLES (R.J.), HARRISON (T.G.), SAUNDERS (N.A.) and MOLYNEUX (D.H.): Proposals to unify the genera Grahamella and Bartonella, with descriptions of Bartonella talpae comb. nov., Bartonella peromysci comb. nov., and three new species, Bartonella grahamii sp. nov., Bartonella taylorii sp. nov., and Bartonella doshiae sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 1-8.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella acomydis

Sato et al. 2013, sp. nov.
Type strain: (see also strain KS2-1 = JCM 17706 = KCTC 23907.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AB602533.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. acomydis, of Acomys, isolated from Acomys russatus.
Reference: SATO (S.), KABEYA (H.), FUJINAGA (Y.), INOUE (K.), UNE (Y.), YOSHIKAWA (Y.) and MARUYAMA (S.): Bartonella jaculi sp. nov., Bartonella callosciuri sp. nov., Bartonella pachyuromydis sp. nov. and Bartonella acomydis sp. nov., isolated from wild Rodentia. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2013, 63, 1734-1740.
Original article in IJSEM Online
Bartonella alsatica Heller et al. 1999, sp. nov.
Type strain: (see also strain IBS 382 = CCUG 45774 = CIP 105477.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AJ002139.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. alsatica, from or pertaining to Alsace, the region in eastern France near the Rhine River where wild rabbits, from which strains of the species were isolated and identified, were trapped.
Reference: HELLER (R.), KUBINA (M.), MARIET (P.), RIEGEL (P.), DELACOUR (G.), DEHIO (C.), LAMARQUE (F.), KASTEN (R.), BOULOUIS (H.J.), MONTEIL (H.), CHOMEL (B.) and PIÉMONT (Y.): Bartonella alsatica sp. nov., a new Bartonella species isolated from the blood of wild rabbits. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1999, 49, 283-288.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella ancashensis Mullins et al. 2015, sp. nov.
Type strain: (see also 20-00=ATCC BAA-2694=DSM 29364.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA) for the type strain: KP720643.
Whole-genome sequence accession no. for the type strain: -.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. ancashensis, pertaining to the Ancash region of Peru.
Source: Clinical.
Valid publication: MULLINS, K. E., HANG, J., JIANG, J., LEGUIA, M., KASPER, M. R., VENTOSILLA, P., MAGUINA, C., JARMAN, R. G., BLAZES, D. and RICHARDS, A. L. 2015. Description of Bartonella ancashensis sp. nov., isolated from the blood of two patients with verruga peruana Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 65, 3339-3343.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella apis Kešnerová et al. 2016, sp. nov.
Type strain: (see also PEB0122=NCIMB 14961=DSM 29779.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA) for the type strain: KP987884.
Whole-genome sequence accession no. for the type strain: -.
Etymology: L. gen. fem. n. apis, from a honey bee, the genus name of the honey bee Apis mellifera, referring to the insect host of this species.
Source: Animal.
Valid publication: KEŠNEROVÁ, L., MORITZ, R. and ENGEL, P. 2016. Bartonella apis sp. nov., a honey bee gut symbiont of the class Alphaproteobacteria. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 66, 414-421.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella bacilliformis (Strong et al. 1913) Strong et al. 1915, species. (Type species of the genus.)            

Type strain: (see also strain KC583 = Herrer 020/F12,63 = ATCC 35685(Rule 18f; the type strain replaces the original description as the type material).
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: M65249.
Synonym: "Bartonia bacilliformis" Strong et al. 1913.
Etymology: L. dim. n. bacillus, a small staff, rodlet; L. adj. suffix -formis -is -e (from L. n. forma, figure, shape, appearance), -like, in the shape of; N.L. fem. adj. bacilliformis, rod-shaped.
References: SKERMAN (V.B.D.), McGOWAN (V.) and SNEATH (P.H.A.) (editors): Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1980, 30, 225-420

 Approved Lists of Bacterial Names in IJSEM Online - Approved Lists of Bacterial Names Amended edition). [1 STRONG (R.P.), TYZZER (E.E.), BRUES (C.T.), SELLARDS (A.W.) and GASTIABURU (J.C.): Verruga peruviana, Oroya fever and uta. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1913, 61, 1713-1716. 2 STRONG (R.P.), TYZZER (E.E.) and SELLARDS (A.W.): Oroya fever. Second report. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1915, 64, 806-808.]
Note: In accordance with Rule 18f, strain KC583 = Herrer 020/F12,63 = ATCC 35685was proposed as the type strain of Bartonella bacilliformis by Brenner et al. 1991.
Reference: BRENNER (D.J.), O'CONNOR (S.P.), HOLLIS (D.G.), WEAVER (R.E.) and STEIGERWALT (A.G.): Molecular characterization and proposal of a neotype strain for Bartonella bacilliformis. J. Clin. Microbiol., 1991, 29, 1299-1302.
Original article Online

Bartonella birtlesii Bermond et al. 2000, sp. nov.
Type strain: (see also strain IBS 325 = CCUG 44360 = CIP 106294.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AF204274.
Etymology: N.L. gen. masc. n. birtlesii, of Birtles, named after  Richard J. Birtles, whose studies have contributed to an improved understanding of the taxonomy of the genus.
Reference: BERMOND (D.), HELLER (R.), BARRAT (F.), DELACOUR (G.), DEHIO (C.), ALLIOT (A.), MONTEIL (H.), CHOMEL (B.), BOULOUIS (H.J.) and PIÉMONT (Y.): Bartonella birtlesii sp. nov., isolated from small mammals (Apodemus spp.). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2000, 50, 1973-1979.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella bovis Bermond et al. 2002 non Donatien and Lestoquard 1934, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain 91-4 = CIP 106692 = CCUG 43828.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AF293391.
Etymology: L. gen. n. bovis, of the cow, of the ox.
Reference: BERMOND (D.), BOULOUIS (H.J.), HELLER (R.), VAN LAERE (G.), MONTEIL (H.), CHOMEL (B.B.), SANDER (A.), DEHIO (C.) and PIÉMONT (Y.): Bartonella bovis Bermond et al. sp. nov. and Bartonella capreoli sp. nov., isolated from European ruminants. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2002, 52, 383-390.
Original article in IJSEM Online

1 This species is named Bartonella bovis Bermond et al. 2002 non Donatien and Lestoquard 1934 to distinguish it from the organism described as "Bartonella bovis" by Donatien and Lestoquard [DONATIEN (A.) & LESTOQUARD (F.) : Sur une Bartonella nouvelle du bœuf, Bartonella bovis n. sp. Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exo., 1934, 7, 652-654.].
2 "Bartonella weissi" (sic) Marano et al. 1999 (equivalent name "Bartonella weissii" Regnery et al. 2000) and Bartonella bovis Bermond et al. 2002 belong to the same species. "Bartonella weissi" or "Bartonella weissii" have no standing in nomenclature and this species must be designated as Bartonella bovis Bermond et al. 2002.

Bartonella callosciuri Sato et al. 2013, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain BR11-1 = JCM 17709 = KCTC 23909.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AB602530.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. callosciuri, of Callosciurus, isolated from Callosciurus notatus.
Reference: SATO (S.), KABEYA (H.), FUJINAGA (Y.), INOUE (K.), UNE (Y.), YOSHIKAWA (Y.) and MARUYAMA (S.): Bartonella jaculi sp. nov., Bartonella callosciuri sp. nov., Bartonella pachyuromydis sp. nov. and Bartonella acomydis sp. nov., isolated from wild Rodentia. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2013, 63, 1734-1740.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella capreoli Bermond et al. 2002, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain IBS 193 = CIP 106691 = CCUG 43827.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AF293389.
Etymology: L. n. capreolus, a kind of wild goat, chamois, roebuck, and also the generic name of the of  roe-deer (Capreolus); L. gen. n. capreoli, of the roe-deer.
Reference: BERMOND (D.), BOULOUIS (H.J.), HELLER (R.), VAN LAERE (G.), MONTEIL (H.), CHOMEL (B.B.), SANDER (A.), DEHIO (C.) and PIÉMONT (Y.): Bartonella bovis Bermond et al. sp. nov. and Bartonella capreoli sp. nov., isolated from European ruminants. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2002, 52, 383-390.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella chomelii Maillard et al. 2004, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain A828 = CCUG 47497 = CIP 107869.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AY254309.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. chomelii, named in honour of Bruno B. Chomel, a French bacteriologist.
Reference: MAILLARD (R.), RIEGEL (P.), BARRAT (F.), BOUILLIN (C.), THIBAULT (D.), GANDOIN (C.), HALOS (L.), DEMANCHE (C.), ALLIOT (A.), GUILLOT (J.), PIÉMONT (Y.), BOULOUIS (H.J.) and VAYSSIER-TAUSSAT (M.): Bartonella chomelii sp. nov., isolated from French domestic cattle (Bos taurus). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2004, 54, 215-220.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella clarridgeiae Lawson and Collins 1996, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain Houston-2 cat = ATCC 51734.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: X89208.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. clarridgeiae, of Clarridge, named in honor of Jill E. Clarridge III, the microbiologist who first isolated the organism, in Houston, Texas.
References: VALIDATION LIST no. 58. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1996, 46, 836-837. [LAWSON (P.A.) and COLLINS (M.D.): Description of Bartonella clarridgeiae sp. nov. isolated from the cat of a patient with Bartonella henselae septicemia. Med. Microbiol. Lett., 1996, 5, 64-73.]
Validation List no. 58 in IJSEM Online

Bartonella coopersplainsensis Gundi et al. 2009, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain AUST/NH20 = CCUG 52174 = CIP 109064 = CSUR B619.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: EU111759.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. coopersplainsensis, of or belonging to Coopers Plains, Queensland, the name of the area where the rat was trapped from which the type strain was isolated.
Reference: GUNDI (V.A.K.B.), TAYLOR (C.), RAOULT (D.) and LA SCOLA (B.): Bartonella rattaustraliani sp. nov., Bartonella queenslandensis sp. nov. and Bartonella coopersplainsensis sp. nov., identified in Australian rats. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2009, 59, 2956-2961.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella doshiae Birtles et al. 1995, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain R18 = ATCC 700133= CCUG 50770 = CIP 107026 = NCTC 12862.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: Z31351.
Etymology: N.L. gen. fem. n. doshiae, of Doshi, named in honor of Nivedita Doshi, who was technically responsible for work with Legionella and Bartonella at the Central Public Health Laboratory in London.
Reference: BIRTLES (R.J.), HARRISON (T.G.), SAUNDERS (N.A.) and MOLYNEUX (D.H.): Proposals to unify the genera Grahamella and Bartonella, with descriptions of Bartonella talpae comb. nov., Bartonella peromysci comb. nov., and three new species, Bartonella grahamii sp. nov., Bartonella taylorii sp. nov., and Bartonella doshiae sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 1-8.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella elizabethae (Daly et al. 1993) Brenner et al. 1993, comb. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain F9251 = B91-002005 = ATCC 49927= CCUG 30455 = CIP 103761.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: L01260.
Basonym: ¤ Rochalimaea elizabethae Daly et al. 1993.
Etymology: N.L. gen. fem. n. elizabethae, of Elizabeth, named after St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Brighton, Massachusetts, where the organism was isolated.
Reference: BRENNER (D.J.), O'CONNOR (S.P.), WINKLER (H.H.) and STEIGERWALT (A.G.): Proposals to unify the genera Bartonella and Rochalimaea, with descriptions of Bartonella quintana comb. nov., Bartonella vinsonii comb. nov., Bartonella henselae comb. nov., and Bartonella elizabethae comb. nov., and to remove the family Bartonellaceae from the order Rickettsiales. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1993, 43, 777-786.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella florencae Mediannikov et al. 2014, sp. nov.              

Type strain: (see also R4=CSUR B627=DSM 23735.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA) for the type strain: HM622139.
Whole-genome sequence accession no. for the type strain: CALU00000000.
Etymology: N.L. gen. fem. n. florencae, of Florence, named in honor of Florence Fenollar, the prominent French microbiologist who found the Crocidura russula shrew from which the type strain was isolated.
Source: Animal.
Valid publication: VALIDATION LIST no. 157. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int. J Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 64 (2014), 1455-1458.
Validation List Online
Effective publication: MEDIANNIKOV, O., EL KARKOURI, K., ROBERT, C., FOURNIER, P.-E. and RAOULT, D. 2014. Non-contiguous finished genome sequence and description of Bartonella florenciae sp. nov. Stand. Genomic Sci., 9, 185-196.
Effective publication Online

Bartonella grahamii Birtles et al. 1995, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain V2 = ATCC 700132= CCUG 50771 = CIP 107024 = NCTC 12860.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: Z31349.
Etymology: N.L. gen. masc. n. grahamii, of Graham, named in honor of G.S. Graham-Smith who observed the organisms subsequently named Grahamella in the blood of moles.
Reference: BIRTLES (R.J.), HARRISON (T.G.), SAUNDERS (N.A.) and MOLYNEUX (D.H.): Proposals to unify the genera Grahamella and Bartonella, with descriptions of Bartonella talpae comb. nov., Bartonella peromysci comb. nov., and three new species, Bartonella grahamii sp. nov., Bartonella taylorii sp. nov., and Bartonella doshiae sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 1-8.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella henselae (Regnery et al. 1992) Brenner et al. 1993, comb. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain Houston-1 = G5436 = ATCC 49882= CCUG 30454 = CIP 103737.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: BX897699.
Basonym: ¤ Rochalimaea henselae Regnery et al. 1992.
Etymology: N.L. gen. fem. n. henselae, of Hensel, named in honor of Diane M. Hensel, who isolated many of the original strains detected in bacteremic patients from Oklahoma.
Reference: BRENNER (D.J.), O'CONNOR (S.P.), WINKLER (H.H.) and STEIGERWALT (A.G.): Proposals to unify the genera Bartonella and Rochalimaea, with descriptions of Bartonella quintana comb. nov., Bartonella vinsonii comb. nov., Bartonella henselae comb. nov., and Bartonella elizabethae comb. nov., and to remove the family Bartonellaceae from the order Rickettsiales. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1993, 43, 777-786.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella jaculi Sato et al. 2013, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain OY2-1 = JCM 17712 = KCTC 23655.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AB602527.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. jaculi, of Jaculus, isolated from Jaculus orientalis.
Reference: SATO (S.), KABEYA (H.), FUJINAGA (Y.), INOUE (K.), UNE (Y.), YOSHIKAWA (Y.) and MARUYAMA (S.): Bartonella jaculi sp. nov., Bartonella callosciuri sp. nov., Bartonella pachyuromydis sp. nov. and Bartonella acomydis sp. nov., isolated from wild Rodentia. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2013, 63, 1734-1740.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella japonica Inoue et al. 2010, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain Fuji 18-1 = CIP 109861 = JCM 15567.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AB440632.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. japonica, of or belonging to Japan, where the host rodent, the small Japanese field mouse (Apodemus argenteus), from which the strain was isolated, is widely distributed.
Reference: INOUE (K.), KABEYA (H.), SHIRATORI (H.), UEDA (K.), KOSOY (M.Y.), CHOMEL (B.B.), BOULOUIS (H.J.) and MARUYAMA (S.): Bartonella japonica sp. nov. and Bartonella silvatica sp. nov., isolated from Apodemus mice. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2010, 60, 759-763.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella koehlerae Droz et al. 2000, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain C-29 = ATCC 700693= CIP 107025.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AF076237.
Etymology: N.L. fem. gen. n. koehlerae, of Koehler, named in honor of Jane E. Koehler, who was the first to isolate Bartonella species from bacillary angiomatosis lesions and whose studies of Bartonella quintana and Bartonella henselae isolates from human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients have contributed to an improved understanding of Bartonella-associated disease in humans.
References: VALIDATION LIST no. 73. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2000, 50, 423-424. [DROZ (S.), CHI (B.), HORN (E.), STEIGERWALT (A.G.), WHITNEY (A.M.) and BRENNER (D.J.): Bartonella koehlerae sp. nov., isolated from cats. J. Clin. Microbiol., 1999, 37, 1117-1122.]
Validation List no. 73 in IJSEM Online - Effective publication Online

Bartonella pachyuromydis Sato et al. 2013, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain FN15-2 = JCM 17714 = KCTC 23657.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AB602531.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. pachyuromydis, of Pachyuromys, isolated from Pachyuromys duprasi.
Reference: SATO (S.), KABEYA (H.), FUJINAGA (Y.), INOUE (K.), UNE (Y.), YOSHIKAWA (Y.) and MARUYAMA (S.): Bartonella jaculi sp. nov., Bartonella callosciuri sp. nov., Bartonella pachyuromydis sp. nov. and Bartonella acomydis sp. nov., isolated from wild Rodentia. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2013, 63, 1734-1740.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella peromysci (Ristic and Kreier 1984) Birtles et al. 1995, comb. nov.            

Type strain: (see also no type strain is available.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: not available.
Basonym: ¤ Grahamella peromysci (ex Tyzzer 1942) Ristic and Kreier 1984.
Other synonym: "Grahamella peromysci" Tyzzer 1942.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. peromysci, of Peromyscus a genus of mice.
Reference: BIRTLES (R.J.), HARRISON (T.G.), SAUNDERS (N.A.) and MOLYNEUX (D.H.): Proposals to unify the genera Grahamella and Bartonella, with descriptions of Bartonella talpae comb. nov., Bartonella peromysci comb. nov., and three new species, Bartonella grahamii sp. nov., Bartonella taylorii sp. nov., and Bartonella doshiae sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 1-8.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella queenslandensis Gundi et al. 2009, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain AUST/NH12 = CCUG 52167 = CIP 109057 = CSUR B617.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: EU111754.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. queenslandensis, of or belonging to Queensland, the Australian state where the rats were trapped from which the first strains were isolated.
Reference: GUNDI (V.A.K.B.), TAYLOR (C.), RAOULT (D.) and LA SCOLA (B.): Bartonella rattaustraliani sp. nov., Bartonella queenslandensis sp. nov. and Bartonella coopersplainsensis sp. nov., identified in Australian rats. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2009, 59, 2956-2961.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella quintana (Schmincke 1917) Brenner et al. 1993, comb. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain Fuller = ATCC VR-358 = CIP 107027.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: M73228.
Basonym: ¤ Rochalimaea quintana (Schmincke 1917) Krieg 1961 (Approved Lists 1980).
Other synonyms: "Rickettsia quintana" Schmincke 1917, "Rickettsia pediculi" Munk and da Rocha-Lima 1917, "Rickettsia wolhynica" Jungmann and Kuczynski 1918, "Rickettsia weigli" Mosing 1936, "Burnetia (Rocha-limae) wolhynica" Macchiavello 1947, "Wolhynia qintanae" (sic) Zhdanov and Korenblit 1950.
Etymology: L. fem. adj. quintana, of or belonging to the fifth, referring to 5-day fever and the clinical disease produced by the species.
Reference: BRENNER (D.J.), O'CONNOR (S.P.), WINKLER (H.H.) and STEIGERWALT (A.G.): Proposals to unify the genera Bartonella and Rochalimaea, with descriptions of Bartonella quintana comb. nov., Bartonella vinsonii comb. nov., Bartonella henselae comb. nov., and Bartonella elizabethae comb. nov., and to remove the family Bartonellaceae from the order Rickettsiales. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1993, 43, 777-786.
Original article in IJSEM Online
Note: The type strain ATCC VR-358 is deaccessioned.
Reference: TANG (J.): Personal communication (November 06, 2001).

Bartonella rattaustraliani Gundi et al. 2009, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain AUST/NH4 = CCUG 52161 = CIP 109051 = CSUR B609.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: EU111749.
Etymology: N.L. n. Rattus, zoological name of a genus of rat; N.L. adj. australianus, Australian; N.L. gen. n. rattaustraliani, of an Australian rat, from which the first strains were isolated.
Reference: GUNDI (V.A.K.B.), TAYLOR (C.), RAOULT (D.) and LA SCOLA (B.): Bartonella rattaustraliani sp. nov., Bartonella queenslandensis sp. nov. and Bartonella coopersplainsensis sp. nov., identified in Australian rats. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2009, 59, 2956-2961.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella rochalimae Eremeeva et al. 2012, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain BMGH = ATCC BAA-1498 = DSM 25050.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: DQ683196.
Etymology: N.L. gen. masc. n. rochalimae, of Rochalima, named in honor of Henrique da Rocha-Lima, an early Brazilian investigator of the etiology of rickettsial diseases.
References: VALIDATION LIST no. 144. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2012, 62, 473-475. [EREMEEVA (M.E.), GERNS (H.L.), LYDY (S.L.), GOO (J.S.), RYAN (E.T.), MATHEW (S.S.), FERRARO (M.J.), HOLDEN (J.M.), NICHOLSON (W.L.), DASCH (G.A.) and KOEHLER (J.E.): Bacteremia, fever, and splenomegaly caused by a newly recognized Bartonella species. N. Engl. J. Med., 2007, 356, 2381-2387.]
Validation List no. 144 in IJSEM Online - Effective publication Online
Note: The accession number DSM 25050 has been provided at the time of request for valid publication of the name.
Reference: ASSOCIATE EDITOR, IJSEM: Validation List no. 144 (footnote §). Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2012, 62, 473-475.
Validation List no. 144 in IJSEM Online

Bartonella schoenbuchensis corrig. Dehio et al. 2001, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain R1 = CCUG 50783 = DSM 13525 = NCTC 13165.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AJ278187.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. schoenbuchensis, pertaining to Schönbuch, a nature park near Tübingen in south-west Germany where most of the roe deer analysed in this study were shot.
Reference: DEHIO (C.), LANZ (C.), POHL (R.), BEHRENS (P.), BERMOND (D.), PIÉMONT (Y.), PELZ (K.) and SANDER (A.): Bartonella schoenbuchii sp. nov., isolated from the blood of wild roe deer. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2001, 51, 1557-1565.
Original article in IJSEM Online
Note: The original spelling of the specific epithet schoenbuchii (sic), has been corrected by the List Editor, IJSEM.
Reference: LIST EDITOR, IJSEM: Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 51, part 4, of the IJSEM. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2001, 51, 1621-1623.
Notification List in IJSEM Online

Bartonella senegalensis Mediannikov et al. 2014, sp. nov.              

Type strain: (see also OS02=CSUR B623=DSM 23168.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA) for the type strain: HM636442.
Whole-genome sequence accession no. for the type strain: CALV00000000.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. senegalensis, referring to Senegal, the African country that is home to the Ornithodoros sonrai tick from which the type strain was isolated.
Source: Animal.
Valid publication: VALIDATION LIST no. 157. List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published. Int. J Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 64 (2014), 1455-1458.
Validation List Online
Effective publication: MEDIANNIKOV, O., EL KARKOURI, K., DIATTA, G., ROBERT, C., FOURNIER, P.-E. and RAOULT, D. 2014. Non-contiguous finished genome sequence and description of Bartonella senegalensis sp. nov. Stand. Genomic Sci., 8, 279-289.
Effective publication Online

Bartonella silvatica Inoue et al. 2010, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain Fuji 23-1 = CIP 109862 = JCM 15566.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AB440636.
Etymology: L. fem. adj. silvatica, of or belonging to the forest where the host rodent, the large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus), from which the strain was isolated, was captured.
Reference: INOUE (K.), KABEYA (H.), SHIRATORI (H.), UEDA (K.), KOSOY (M.Y.), CHOMEL (B.B.), BOULOUIS (H.J.) and MARUYAMA (S.): Bartonella japonica sp. nov. and Bartonella silvatica sp. nov., isolated from Apodemus mice. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2010, 60, 759-763.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella talpae (Ristic and Kreier 1984) Birtles et al. 1995, comb. nov.            

Type strain: (see also no type strain is available.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: not available.
Basonym: ¤ Grahamella talpae (ex Brumpt 1911) Ristic and Kreier 1984.
Other synonyms: "Grahamia talpae" Tartakowsky 1910, "Grahamella talpae" Brumpt 1911.
Etymology: L. n. talpa, a mole, and also a genus of moles (Talpa); L. gen. n. talpae, of Talpa.
Reference: BIRTLES (R.J.), HARRISON (T.G.), SAUNDERS (N.A.) and MOLYNEUX (D.H.): Proposals to unify the genera Grahamella and Bartonella, with descriptions of Bartonella talpae comb. nov., Bartonella peromysci comb. nov., and three new species, Bartonella grahamii sp. nov., Bartonella taylorii sp. nov., and Bartonella doshiae sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 1-8.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella taylorii Birtles et al. 1995, sp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain M6 = CCUG 50774 = CIP 107028 = NCTC 12861.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: Z31350.
Etymology: N.L. gen. masc. n. taylorii, of Taylor, named in honor of A.G. Taylor who led various microbiologic studies at the Central Public Health Laboratory in London.
Reference: BIRTLES (R.J.), HARRISON (T.G.), SAUNDERS (N.A.) and MOLYNEUX (D.H.): Proposals to unify the genera Grahamella and Bartonella, with descriptions of Bartonella talpae comb. nov., Bartonella peromysci comb. nov., and three new species, Bartonella grahamii sp. nov., Bartonella taylorii sp. nov., and Bartonella doshiae sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1995, 45, 1-8.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella tribocorum Heller et al. 1998, sp. nov.
Type strain: (see also strain IBS 506 = CCUG 45778 = CIP 105476.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: AM260525 (complete genome).
Etymology: L. n. gen. pl. tribocorum, of Triboci the tribes, mentioned by Caesar (51 BC) in his Commentarii de Bello Gallico, which were living in the region near the Rhine River in eastern France.Wild rats, from which two strains of the species were isolated, were trapped there.
Reference: HELLER (R.), RIEGEL (P.), HANSMANN (Y.), DELACOUR (G.), BERMOND (D.), DEHIO (C.), LAMARQUE (F.), MONTEIL (H.), CHOMEL (B.) and PIÉMONT (Y.): Bartonella tribocorum sp. nov., a new Bartonella species isolated from the blood of wild rats. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1998, 48, 1333-1339.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella vinsonii (Weiss and Dasch 1982) Brenner et al. 1993, comb. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain Baker = ATCC VR-152 = CCUG 30453 = CIP 103738.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: L01259.
Basonym: ¤ Rochalimaea vinsonii Weiss and Dasch 1982.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. vinsonii, of Vinson, named in honor of J.William Vinson who, with Henry S. Fuller, originally demonstrated that Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii (Rochalimaea vinsonii) could be grown on blood agar.
Reference: BRENNER (D.J.), O'CONNOR (S.P.), WINKLER (H.H.) and STEIGERWALT (A.G.): Proposals to unify the genera Bartonella and Rochalimaea, with descriptions of Bartonella quintana comb. nov., Bartonella vinsonii comb. nov., Bartonella henselae comb. nov., and Bartonella elizabethae comb. nov., and to remove the family Bartonellaceae from the order Rickettsiales. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1993, 43, 777-786.
Original article in IJSEM Online
Bartonella vinsonii (Weiss and Dasch 1982) Brenner et al. 1993 emend. Kordick et al. 1996.
Type strain: (see also strain Baker = ATCC VR-152 = CCUG 30453 = CIP 103738.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: L01259.
Basonym: ¤ Rochalimaea vinsonii Weiss and Dasch 1982.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. vinsonii, of Vinson, named in honor of J.William Vinson who, with Henry S. Fuller, originally demonstrated that Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii (Rochalimaea vinsonii) could be grown on blood agar.
Reference: KORDICK (D.L.), SWAMINATHAN (B.), GREENE (C.E.), WILSON (K.H.), WHITNEY (A.M.), O'CONNOR (S.), HOLLIS (D.G.), MATAR (G.M.), STEIGERWALT (A.G.), MALCOLM (G.B.), HAYES (P.S.) HADFIELD (T.L.), BREITSCHWERDT (E.B.) and BRENNER (D.J.): Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii subsp. nov., isolated from dogs; Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii; and emended description of Bartonella vinsonii. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1996, 46, 704-709.
Original article in IJSEM Online
Note: Subsequently, this species has been divided into subspecies (see: below).

Bartonella vinsonii subsp. arupensis Welch et al. 2000, subsp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain OK 94-513 = ATCC 700727= CCUG 50775 = CIP 106848.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: not found.
Etymology: N.L. fem. adj. arupensis, pertaining to ARUP (Associated Regional and University Pathologists, Inc.) in Salt Lake City, Utah, the laboratory where the type strain was initially characterized.
References: VALIDATION LIST no. 72. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2000, 50, 3-4. [WELCH (D.F.), CARROLL (K.C.), HOFMEISTER (E.K.), PERSING (D.H.), ROBISON (D.A.), STEIGERWALT (A.G.) and BRENNER (D.J.): Isolation of a new subspecies, Bartonella vinsonii subsp. arupensis, from a cattle rancher: identity with isolates found in conjunction with Borrelia burgdorferi and Babesia microti among naturally infected mice. J. Clin. Microbiol., 1999, 37, 2598-2601.]
Validation List no. 72 in IJSEM Online - Effective publication Online

Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii Kordick et al. 1996, subsp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain 93-CO1 = ATCC 51672= CCUG 45779 = CIP 104960.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: L35052.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. berkhoffii, of Berkhoff, named in honor of Herman A. Berkhoff, a veterinary microbiologist whose research contributed to the understanding of Bartonella infections in domestic animals and recognition of this subspecies.
Reference: KORDICK (D.L.), SWAMINATHAN (B.), GREENE (C.E.), WILSON (K.H.), WHITNEY (A.M.), O'CONNOR (S.), HOLLIS (D.G.), MATAR (G.M.), STEIGERWALT (A.G.), MALCOLM (G.B.), HAYES (P.S.) HADFIELD (T.L.), BREITSCHWERDT (E.B.) and BRENNER (D.J.): Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii subsp. nov., isolated from dogs; Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii; and emended description of Bartonella vinsonii. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1996, 46, 704-709.
Original article in IJSEM Online

Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii (Weiss and Dasch 1982) Kordick et al. 1996, subsp. nov.            

Type strain: (see also strain Baker = ATCC VR-152 = CCUG 30453 = CIP 103738.
Sequence accession no. (16S rRNA gene) for the type strain: L01259.
Etymology: N.L. gen. n. vinsonii, of Vinson, named in honor of J.William Vinson who, with Henry S. Fuller, originally demonstrated that Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii (Rochalimaea vinsonii) could be grown on blood agar.
Reference: KORDICK (D.L.), SWAMINATHAN (B.), GREENE (C.E.), WILSON (K.H.), WHITNEY (A.M.), O'CONNOR (S.), HOLLIS (D.G.), MATAR (G.M.), STEIGERWALT (A.G.), MALCOLM (G.B.), HAYES (P.S.) HADFIELD (T.L.), BREITSCHWERDT (E.B.) and BRENNER (D.J.): Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii subsp. nov., isolated from dogs; Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii; and emended description of Bartonella vinsonii. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol., 1996, 46, 704-709.
Original article in IJSEM Online
1 The original authorship, (Weiss and Dasch 1982) Brenner et al. 1993, was corrected according to the new Rule 40d.
Reference: GARRITY (G.M.), LABEDA (D.P.) and OREN (A.): Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes. XIIth International (IUMS) Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology. Minutes of the meetings, 3, 4 and 6 August 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2011, 61, 2775-2780.
Original article in IJSEM Online
2 The subspecies name Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii (Weiss and Dasch 1982) Kordick et al. 1996 is automatically created by the valid publication of Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii Kordick et al. 1996 [Rule 40d (formerly Rule 46)].


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